AO3 meme!

Aug 19, 2013 00:00

AO3 meme from
selenak and
ruuger , because I should be sleeping. I don't know how to do the average / per story thing, I assume I just have to do maths. It's late, so no maths.

Account name: kangeiko
Account created: 2009-12-02
Total stories: 350 (some locked to AO3 members only)

Total wordcount: 585,805
Average wordcount:
Longest story: The Plains of Esdraelon (ST: Avenger) (34,608 words) - a story I wrote as part of a collaboration with a writing group, where we wrote a virtual season of a new ship (USS Avenger) and their adventures. It even won an award, but upon rereading it, you can tell it was very much an early work.
Shortest story: Debrief (Babylon 5) (45 words)

Total kudos: 904
Kudos per story:
Story with most kudos: up, up the long delirious burning blue (Top Gun) (38) A yuletide fic I wrote for Yuletide 2011 - after I defaulted on my assigned fic, no less. This is a short little fic, and I have no idea why it proved so popular.

Total comments: 222 comment threads
Comments per story:
Story with most comments: do zla boga (American Gods) (42) Another yuletide fic, for Yuletide 2009 this time around. I was pretty proud of this one.

Total author subscriptions: 7
Total story subscriptions: 8
Story with most subscriptions: spilt milk (The World's End) (2) The story I am writing at the moment.

Total bookmarks: 197
Story with most bookmarks: Polyamorous Love-Knot Within; Cleaner Required (Clerks II) (11) I liked this fic. It was my one serious attempt at writing a happy, funny, smutty fic, and trying to write a poly fic with a threesome scene, to boot.

Stories with no comments or kudos: MANY. I have been transferring my old fic on here, including stuff from decades ago, and backdating it to its original posting date.

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

fandom, meme

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