FIC: spilt milk (The World's End)

Aug 16, 2013 16:24

I completely forgot to say that I'm writing again! Courtesy of The World's End, which is one of the more depressing films I've seen. To those saying it's hilarious and you couldn't stop laughing: were we watching the same film? Notably, there has been a marked gender divide in the responses, so maybe there's something to that.

Anyway, fic resulted. It's unfinished at the moment (4 out of the 6 chapters posted), but I have the last chapter done, I just need to get chapter 5 written up, and we're good to go. But each part is self-contained (it's the 5 things + 1) so I suppose I should link:

spilt milk
The World's End
Five things that never happened to Gary King (and one that did).

Warnings for character death and violence (unsurprisingly).

Also, I went to Nine Worlds Geek Fest. It was awesome! Obviously a few rough edges, but you could really feel the love that went into it. Definitely going back next year. I'm writing up my impressions of various panels for Bad Reputation, so I'll link here when done.

AND I learned sword-fighting with Miltos Yerolemou, aka Syrio Forel on Game of Thrones. From now on, all commencement shall include, "and now, let's do it with swords!"

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

fun, fic: other, nine worlds

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