Fic: Babylon 5 & Haven (but alas, no yuletide)

Dec 19, 2011 21:20

So, I've had to default on Yuletide this year. Yes, despite looking forward to it for months and months. Real life has spiralled out of control somewhat, and I needed to cut down on deadlines and obligations in order to be able to manage it. I figured it was better to default early and give my recipient a chance to receive a fic from someone who has had a chance to spend some time on it, rather than do it last minute. :/ I still hope to be able to participate in madness, and get some fics in, but no 'main' fic from me this year.

I did manage to do some writing while I was away, though.

Pilgrim's Progress is a Haven fic set after 1x13. Nathan makes things difficult for himself. Audrey Parker/Nathan Wournos, Duke Crocker/Nathan Wournos.

Tiger! Tiger! is the help-japan fic I have owed
crossing_hades for approximately 84 billion years. It's Lyta, Garibaldi and Bester, set during the Telepath War. Anyone would think you were fighting a war.

I feel a vague sense of triumph for managing these two fics in what has essentially been a dry year. I still owe the ever-lovely
amatara  a fic for help-japan, and I hope to be able to manage something for Yuletide Madness. But in terms of productivity, that's pretty much all I have in me at the moment. :/ If I have any inspiration it'll likely go towards the Top Gear/10 O'Clock Live crossover I have been working on since April, which I hope to finish before... well, next April. Hey, as long as there is some progress, right?

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

yuletide, fic: b5, fic: other, writer's block

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