Yuletide Santa Letter!

Nov 17, 2011 16:41

Dear Yuletide Santa, Thank you so much for signing up and offering to write one of the below fandoms! I am used to being in super-obscure fandoms-of-one, so to find a kindred spirit has made me ridiculously happy. Any fic at all in any of the below would make me squeak with glee. But - a vague disclaimer being no one’s friend - I have some more info on stuff I love & stuff that squicks me to help out.

Stuff I love:
1. Gen, slash, het, femslash, whatever. I love them all! I do confess that I love gen most of all. I’ve requested pairings in my prompts below, but if any of the pairings doesn't work for you, rest assured that I would be equally happy with strong words across the room as I would be with a steamy sex scene.
2. Plot! I do love me some plot. Failing that, angst!
3. Awesome female characters.
4. Something upbeat - not necessarily a happy ending, but some glimmer of light, or something bittersweet.
5. Dialogue. Words! Words in people’s mouths! People having opinions, and arguments, and snarking at each other!
6. First-times. I tend to be less interested in a couple after they have been happily settled or wrapped up in each other, and a lot more interested in how couples get together.
7. Conflict. I like change in fic - change in relationships, change in preconceptions, change in situation, good old-fashion action-adventure - and having characters disagree or take opposing sides. I'm not generally a fan of schmoop, smarm or fluff.

1. Chan, shota, underage, however you term it. I have trouble with anything below the age of consent (16 where I live);
2. Non-con, rape. I sometimes read it, but it's rare, and I normally find it very difficult to read.
3. Character-bashing. If I've nominated a fandom I tend to love all the characters.
4. The common sex-based squicks - chan as mentioned, also scat, watersports, snuff, etc.

On to the fandoms! This year, I requested -

18th Century CE RPF: Marie Antoinette, Maria Luisa of Savoy

I have a serious thing for shipping Marie Antoinette and Maria Luisa of Savoy, the Princesse de Lamballe, especially given that the latter's gruesome death was at least partly due to the rumours flying around about her supposed lesbian relationship with the Queen. Rumours, my arse, I want to win these two awesome women back! Anything about their relationship, either femslashy or just as good friends trying to negotiate the vagaries of Versailles would make me ridiculously happy.

Stuff I love about this fandom: I love Antonia Fraser’s book (and the Marie Antoinette film based on it, spun sugar and gloss that it was!), I love young Marie Antoinette, arriving and finding herself suddenly French (only not really, and never being allowed to forget it). I love the Princesse de Lamballe and Duchesse de Polignac (who I didn’t request just in case it threw you into a tizzy trying to put them all in!) but whom I love just the same, and Marie Antoinette’s whole coterie of favourites.

Formula 1 RPF: Alain Prost/Ayrton Senna

Anything about the complex relationship between these two would make me incredibly happy. I have my slash goggles on firmly with these two, but gen would be equally welcome! Some suggestions - maybe something after Prost retires? Senna reportedly phoned him, begging him to come back, and they had a reconciliation of sorts. Or early on in their career, with them trying to figure out each other’s limits? Or the fall-out from Nelson Piquet’s accusation that Senna was gay. Or anything, really!

Stuff I love about this fandom: motorsport, Senna, Prost, angst, rage, simmering UST. I’m involved in motorsport myself so there’s definitely something about the sport itself that I love and find fascinating, and I would love to see that same fascination from Senna’s or Prost’s perspective, and what it means to them. I especially love how their relationship underwent such sudden switches, from semi-friendly rivals to hostile rivals to hating each other to all of sudden thawing and the potential for friendship. Anything about one the more positive periods would be welcome, although I do admit a certain preference for the time when Senna thawed towards Prost following Prost’s retirement, simply because there was so much there that could have happened, if only they’d had the time. Go the slash route if you’re a slasher, or the gen route if you’re not; I’d be equally happy with either!

Air: Blythe (Air)/Amelia Earhart(Air)

This comic rocks my socks with all of its post-modern magic realism. Anything with Blythe and Amelia having adventures would be fabulous. Femslash, gen, it’s all good!

This is by far my shortest/most open request, and that’s because… well, I didn’t have any particular scenario in mind for these two. I just love them so much. Blythe seems so strong to me, despite - maybe because of? - her fears, and I love her relationship with Amelia. And Amelia! Making a new home above the clouds, how awesome is that? Anything with these two awesome women being awesome would be, er, awesome!

Seafort Saga - David Feintuch: Nicholas Seafort, Edgar Tolliver

Anything with these two being all snarky at each other would be fabulous. I love repressed Nicholas is, and how he visibly relaxes when he is around Tolliver. Anything set during or subsequent to the series would be awesome. Some suggestions - maybe during Fisherman’s Hope when Nick is missing (or when he’s found and realises Tolliver was frantically trying to locate him); or when Nick goes off into exile and Tolliver turns up on his bridge; or even during their long separation. Maybe even something set in-between the books - between the 3rd and 4th book, maybe, when their relationship suddenly takes such a lunge forward in terms of being comfortable around each other. Gen option: anything in keeping with Edgar's snarky tone in the books would make me really, really happy. He's my favourite characters by far, and having him argue with Nick for whatever reason (and win!) would be ace.

Tolliver has to possibly be one of my favourite characters ever. I love how unafraid he is of Nick, and how he’s one of the few people who doesn’t hero-worship him. I wrote a pimp post for this fandom here, where I go on at length about my favourite things about it.

As always, OPTIONAL details are OPTIONAL, so please don't despair if you read the above and thought "what is she on about, this woman is insane", I am sure to love whatever fic you end up writing. Feel free to comment anonymously if you need to ask questions. Thank you again and enjoy writing!

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.


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