
Nov 22, 2010 16:42

I had this plan where I would be back at work today, triumphant and having won over this annoying bug that's been going around. Instead, I made it as far as the shower before nearly passing out, and had to have a sit-down until I could feel my feet again. So I went back to bed, bringing tea and porridge with me. I then proceeded to fall asleep again, and woke up four hours later, cranky and hungry. So, um. Maybe I was still sick? I medicated like it was going out of fashion, and I am working from home tomorrow anyway, so I am full of confidence that I will be back to relatively normality by Wednesday.

In the meantime - aiiii, Yuletide! I got my assignment, and of course it's the one I offered on a whim. *g* I'm going to have to review all of source before I'm even close to figuring out what to do with it, I think. I have a few cool ideas kicking around, but it's nailing them to the wall that's the problem...

In the meantime, I'm compiling a giant 'possible treats' list using the Yulegoat letter spreadsheet, which is like writing in many respects, and accepted as writing in many places around the world. Not here, sadly. Here, I still have a blinking cursor.

And a help-pakistan fic to write, which. OK. My recipient requested two things to be included in the fic, and I have an idea for doing that, but it makes the fic bloody ginormous, and I just don't have the spoons to write another novella at the moment. OTOH, I've kinda written one of the things in a little self-contained fic, and could easily do the other one in a similar way, and do two shorter fics rather than one longer fic. That's ok, right? :/ It will still be way above the word count promised, but... just in two fics, rather than one. I dunno. :/

This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth. There are
comments there. Comments are welcome at either journal.

yuletide, help_pakistan, writing

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