
Nov 21, 2010 01:49

So I'm scrolling through the Yuletide prompts, when I come across some Blakes 7 prompts. And so I go off to read some B7 fic, thinking all the while, this is really familiar. And of course it is - I just spent quite a while describing Blake and Avon's relationship, only I didn't realise it at the time. But it makes perfect sense, now - Nick as martyr, convinced that he has to atone for his sins, ready to sacrifice everyone around him for the greater good; Tolliver as his sarcastic, unwilling second, who doesn't believe in Nick's crusade (what little he decides to tell him about), who tries on several occasions to take control of the ship when he decides that Nick is acting irrationally, and who is certain that Nick has decided to make himself a martyr and that most of the problem is in his head. Plus, he's a shitty pilot and a terrible strategician.

So, it's not that the Seafort saga is LIKE Blakes 7, it IS Blakes 7, in the universe where Blake is part of the Federation, and Avon is his unwilling and hostile XO. Um. Ooops? But on the other hand, at least I know why I like it so much!!

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