to counter-act the rage, this week's air-punch moment

Jan 25, 2009 00:10

I wanted to say this before I forget, because it's actually a rather important thing (at least for me) -

in which I rock )

trips, shopping, real life (tm), work

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mizzykitty January 25 2009, 14:49:19 UTC
Awesome! congrats on the rocking! =D


kangeiko January 26 2009, 21:49:10 UTC
Let's hope it lasts all the way into a permanent position! *crosses fingers*


mizzykitty January 28 2009, 23:53:07 UTC
*crosses fingers for ya*

BTW I'm free for meeting up for a drink sometime next week, if you're up to it. Just not Wednesday, as that's my movie night!


kangeiko February 1 2009, 22:53:37 UTC
I have Arabic until 8pm on Thursdays - how about a drink afterwards?


mizzykitty February 3 2009, 22:23:04 UTC
I would love to normally, but I hear it will snow again on Thursday, and it took me twice as long to get home tonight as it usually does. So I'm worried that I don't want to stay out that late on Thursday, in case it becomes very difficult to get home. Perhaps another time though? :)


kangeiko February 3 2009, 22:43:40 UTC
I was just about to email and ask to postpone! I may be skipping class on Thursday, I don't want to risk getting stranded! Another time, definitely!


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