to counter-act the rage, this week's air-punch moment

Jan 25, 2009 00:10

I wanted to say this before I forget, because it's actually a rather important thing (at least for me) -

I produced final-draft consolidated budgets for my entire division at 5.37pm on Friday afternoon. 5.37pm on Friday, people! The deadline for first draft consolidation is this coming Monday at noon!

The Head of Finance congratulated me... and then admitted, red-faced, that he hadn't finished his own budget. Ha!

I am now planning for my Africa trip more or less full-time. I need to produce lesson plans (OMG, my one attempt to deliver advanced-level training to non-numerate peeps failed miserably, must rethink; also, lesson must work in translation as there will be a fair few Francophone peeps there needing questions answered). I also need to secure a visa, which apparently involves two passport photos. I had to remove my glasses for them, so I look like I'm drunk. Or concussed.

Also, if anyone has any ideas on the shoe front, please let me know!! I need something that will cope with the heat, but I have to keep my feet covered, as I am a mosquito-magnet and I am going to a malaria country (where the malaria is resistant to most quinine). So sandals are out. But I can't think of what else can cope with 40C heat... help?

I am (very slowly) getting my wardrobe together. (How hard can it be to find light-coloured cotton, long-sleeved, high-necked t-shirts? Answer: very hard in January.) I need to get a move on, I think, because I realised that although I have a month before I go, I am working stupid hours and only have next weekend free to buy all the necessities. (Weekend after: weaselator's wedding. Weekend after that: flatmate Z moves out. Weekend after that, athena25 moves in. And two days later I go.) Which, as it turns out, includes a suitcase, as my lightweight one has given up the ghost. And I have to find time to get my hair cut before going, as it is currently trailing sixteen feet behind me as I walk, and I look like a 6 year old. I am not going to attempt hair-care maintenance on this trip. (Hotel personal hygiene facilities: fine. Field visit personal hygiene facilities: lacking.)

Now all I need is to work out how I'm going to last 11 hours on a plane without screaming and jumping out the airlock, and it's all going to be just fine.


The person who needed to sign the thing signed the thing. It is now with the Board, who meet next week to decide my fate. Cross your fingers for me, guys, the waiting is killing me! (Although my boss has an impressive Plan B.)

Also next week, I find out whether I passed my stupid December exam or not. I really hope I have. It would be so tedious to have to sit that bastard thing again.


Finally, I have purchased two pairs of jeans. And a cute dress. I plan to wear the dress - with these really cute brown patent leather Mary Janes I bought a few weeks ago - to the office at one point. Not yet, though. It's a cute outfit, and I'm saving it for when I need a pick-me-up. Or after I've spent a month on Malarone and lost buckets of weight as a result.

Yes, I can be shallow. What?

trips, shopping, real life (tm), work

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