Things to love about living in South London

Jan 11, 2009 17:13


One of the things I love about where I live is that it's full of families, and everyone knows everyone in the shops. My local grocers? I've watched his son grow up. The local Budgens would order in stuff for me. (And it broke my heart to find that they closed! Stupid new Tesco and credit crunch. *sulk*)

Anyway, athena25 and I were at the local independent coffee shop today, and a dad was there with his two-year-old and baby. The toddler demanded to use the loo, and her daddy had to take her. So he parked his baby with the cafe staff, and took his little girl to the loo.

The cafe staff know me, of course, and when I couldn't stop cooing over the baby (she was so lovely!) dutifully handed her over. And I had her for a good ten minutes before her daddy came back to claim her.

1. The baby was awesome. She was really cute (about 6-8 months), and quiet, and didn't grab at my hair or cry or demand to be put down. A cute, very well-behaved baby that made me INSTANTLY BROODY.
2. The dad thanked me for looking after her, rather than screaming about why I was holding his baby. Which, given the current hysterical climate over child safety, was such a breath of fresh air! Of course, it helped that I was sat in a gigantic arm-chair with her firmly ensconced in my lap, and no appearance of planning to make off with her under my coat, but still. It was really nice.

Anyway. BABY!

I haven't thought about babies for a while. (Other than roughly deciding when I'm going to be having one, which is in the next 5-10 years.) Now I'm actively broody. DAMN YOU, OVARIES!! *shakes fist*


In other news, my local charity store continues to be made of awesome, as they now open on Sundays. They have also continued their side-line of MIND-READING, as I walked in and found three books I had been planning on purchasing sitting there, brand-new and for a fifth of their normal price. This is the third fourth fifth time this has happened. My library (currently closed for refurbishment, woe) was similarly psychic, as is the nearby Oxfam book-store. I won't even talk about the time where I left the house looking for Rocket Dog black sequinned ballet pumps, walked in to the charity store and found Rocket Dog black sequinned ballet pumps - in my size. Spooky, I'm telling you.


I am watching Eli Stone. Victor Garber rocks my socks.

silliness, london, days out, shopping

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