And it goes on...

Jan 08, 2009 18:45

UN suspends Gaza aid operations - because they are being bombed by the Israelis.

Anyone who justifies bombing a school because it may hold militants permanently loses the moral high ground, IMNSHO. Although Hamas is doing the Palestinian cause no favours, by vowing retaliation - against Israeli children. Nice to see where you stand on the idea of a ceasefire, Hamas.

Meanwhile, the US, UK and France have stopped blocking the UN resolution - thanks, guys, nice to see some sense, finally.

Except it seems that everyone is too cash-strapped to give anything to Gaza. So what with there being no money, and aid agencies having to withdraw due to being bombed, and Israel not tending to the wounded, it might be too late already.

Meanwhile, everyone seems terrified of having an opinion, lest they offend someone.

I'm not afraid to have an opinion. I think both sides are behaving appallingly, and it's the children who are paying the price.

There. Now everyone can be offended.

news, politics

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