FICS: Life on Mars

Feb 17, 2008 23:35

There's an Anonymous porn meme happening for the LoM fandom. (This should happen in every fandom, and we should film it and show it every holiday season.) And I actually wrote porn. Not just one piece of porn; oh, no. Three shiny bits of complete filth. Phwoar, etc. We may or may not allowed to say who wrote what, but you're supposed to if you're gonna be expanding it/writing a sequel/whatever. So, in the meantime, linkies:


Summer apple
The prompt was Chris and incest. It came out as a het piece (Chris/his sister) that's not really that porny.


Bitter pill: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
The prompt was: Gene is tied up in by criminals and pumped full of an aphrodisiac. He's helplessly aroused by the time that Sam gets to him. Er... well, there's too much plot in there (namely drug-smuggling) and also Annie refuses to leave the room, so it's more Sam/Gene&Annie, really, and it's all terribly clinical and there's voyerism and 'aliens made them do it!'... so it's like a list of all my kinks, really.


the cannibal's cancion
New Who/LoM crossover; Gene/the Master (who he believes is Sam). Er, this came out rather dark and non-con... well, it is the Master, after all!


fic: lom

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