Bah, humbug

Feb 14, 2008 12:26

Remember that guy I wasn't sure about? The one who may or may not be trying to move from a platonic friendship with me to something not-so-platonic? Well, he phoned me this morning. I was in the shower, so missed the call, and now I have a Valentine's message on my voicemail.

Well, that settles matters. Now how do I tell him I'm so incredibly NOT interested?

In other news, I have a date with someone else, who I may or may not be interested in. Not for tonight, because work = 'splodey, and I am likely to be in the office until my cab turns into a pumpkin, but, you know. Later. He's promised to hand-feed me sushi. Not sure how to take that, really...


Work = splodey. May have mentioned that already. The 'splodeyness appears to be stretching into infinity. Gah. At least I have remained on top of it thus far, much to the amazement of people. Yes, marvel at my multi-tasking prowess!! *preens*

dating, men, real life (tm), work

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