
Dec 20, 2007 22:09

1. I finished yuletide with two days to go & uploaded it. I am made of win.

2. I volunteered for ten bazillion pitch hits and was assigned one. *starts panic all over again* I'm jazzed for it, but scared, too. All that adrenaline is trying to come back!

3. I am on the world's most useful, most tiring, driest and most complicated course. Oh my head. And getting up at stupid o'clock every morning and working until stupid o'clock every night isn't helping. Also, it's difficult to pay attention all the time. But you have to. Because it's ridiculously useful.


4. I have a half-day tomorrow, because the partners suspect that there will be an armed rebellion unless they pack us off home after lunchtime.

5. Xmas shopping nearly finished; just dad's present to go. Will get that on Saturday.

6. Will write yuletide pinch-hit on Saturday, too. Busy day.

7. Will be spending two nights at my parents' - going there Xmas eve, back Boxing Day evening. I intend to spend Xmas sleeping. Mm, sleep.

8. I was really mean to my mum last night, and now I feel guilty about it. To be fair, she was being fairly useless and making me do stuff that she could do perfectly well herself. But, still. Roll on the Xmas guilt.

9. My cold has come back with a vengeance. Kill me now.

10. There's a really cute guy at work. I'd totally hit on him if he wasn't, like, my boss's boss.

Leaving comments off because I have no time to answer anything right now.

yuletide, real life (tm), study, work, writing

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