'tis the season to be fabulous

Dec 16, 2007 20:22

- I am pleased with life in general. Had a fab party at Nat's last night, wherein my new lustrous black hair was met with rave reviews, and no less than three different people went on about it for a full five minutes apiece... one of them had to come back a little later and deliver another five minutes of praise. I declare this hair colour a success. *preens*

I ended up chatting with a lovely Venezuelan couple (who work in oil) & some town planners about the awful state of environmental work nowadays, and isn't it awful that no governments seem committed to a long-term overhaul of infrastructure, etc, which was a lot more interesting than it sounds. :)

I caught up with lots of friends, and flirted like a mad thing, and weaselator was there!! I am all a-glow and astonished, too, as we did not know that he was back from Angola! He is here for a month of festive fun, woo and indeed yay.

I drank way too much, given my newly-delicate system, and ended up slightly unconscious on the train back, but wingsmith went and got me water, and athena25 got me out of the heat and into the cool air, and I perked right up, so there was no harm done. And I'm not even hungover today! I declare the party a success.

- In other news, the first draft of my yuletide fic was written and then betaed, and I am now attempting to do the corrections. I'm having quite a few corrections, as a lot of stuff in the second ahlf depends on what I do in the first half, so early changes mean extensive re-writes of the second half... but I'm ok with that! *g* At least I have the first draft done! *g*

- I was briefly shopping online for random gifts, then realised that the postage costs to get it here in time are ridiculous and I'd do just as well to nip to Covent Garden after work this week. Which is what I'm doing.

- This coming week I am on a training course. It is one of those annoyingly technical, difficult and all-round useful courses that are so useful they are mandatory, and require your brain to work from start to finish. This is a problem, as my brain isn't really of much use at the moment. (Evidence: start reading sentence. Reach end of sentence. Realise have forgotten beginning of sentence. Sentence is only two lines long. Hang head in shame.) BUT! It is with my year-group, and it is uber-useful as I am moving up from team member to team leader in January and will therefore need to know all this stuff. So I will persevere.

- I am refusing to think about exams, as I cannot bear it.

- Over the Xmas break, I want to do the following things:

1. Write my fire_fic submission, as the donor has waited so long for it! *hangs head in shame*
2. Put together my website on the space wonderfully volunteered by eponis, as it will one of the few opportunities to get that up and running. I can add the fic to it as and when I convert it.
3. Finish 6 more books before 1 Jan! *g* I've read 44, and want to hit that magical '50'...
4. Get my hair cut. Not a lot, mind you, but it needs a little trim.
5. Find a place that does pilates or yoga in south-west London on a Sunday. It will be part of my New year's resolution...
6. Sleep!!

beauty, christmas, night out, writing

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