Dear yuletide Santa -

Nov 03, 2006 12:52

Dear Santa,

Thank you so much for signing up to yuletide this year! To help you out in case my requests are nutso-crazy, some thoughts are below:

1. Snark in any form. All of the fandoms I requested - and all the characters - have snarking skills a-plenty. If you can deliver sarcasm or grumpy man (or woman) wit, I shall love you forever.

2. Write what you're comfortable with, and that you feel best fits with the characters. I only offered suggestions as a kick-start - I'm not expecting anything made-to-measure, but, rather, something that you feel is in character and something that you enjoyed writing.

3. I am a slasher - but please don't feel obligated to bring the slash if that's not your cuppa. As a recent rant of mine pointed out, I'm totally into my gen fic and will not be sobbing into my tea for a lack of porn come Xmas time. That said, if you're comfortable writing smut - more power to you, go for it!

4. If you need to ask me questions / clarify something, please feel free to communicate with me via anonymous comments to this post - I've enabled them and have no idea how to go about IP tracking so your anonymity would be safe.

5. Thank you! Whatever you come up with, I am sure that it will be fabulous, and I am very grateful indeed.

Much love,



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