Back! (and meme-ing, to boot)

Nov 02, 2006 19:06

Internet broken for a few days - boo. Internet now fixed, due to exciting tech!skilled Athena - (*unplug & replug & kick a few times*) w00t!

I give you - meme-time!

Stolen shamelessly from monanotlisa:

Give me two characters from two different fandoms with which I am familiar*, and I will invent a relationship for them.

* Alias, AtS, Authority, BSG, BtVS, CSI, Firefly, House, Veronica Mars, LOST, Star Trek (all incarnations), Babylon 5, The West Wing, Scrubs, 1602, Transmetropolitan, Carnivale, Deadwood... maybe I should list the ones I'm not into instead... *ponders*


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