(no subject)

Jul 07, 2006 22:26

It's been a long time since I've looked at a doll and thought, "WANT!!!!" I made an effort to give them up at age seven or so, and managed to succeed by age nine (more or less through necessity and a change of country). So, stumbling on this site (www.dreamofdoll.com) was an odd experience. I looked at this:


and immediately thought, "WANT!!!!!" Of course, it's prohibitively expensive, and I could only really have afforded such frivolity if it had been in Hong Kong dollars instead of US dollars. Possibly not even then. I mean, what would I do with the doll once I had it? Also, it would come alive in the middle of the night and kill me china dolls are kinda creepy.

So tired. Bed, now. Was attacked by spider yesterday. Traumatised, I tell you. *yawn*


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