Userpic meme

Jun 26, 2006 22:52

I love this meme, and I was bored.

List all the characters in your icons in alphabetical order, and let them all into pairs.

Normally, I'd just comment on the pairing, but seeing as this time there weren't really that many pairings (unlike last time, which yielded some amazing results), I've decided to drabble them instead. I probably won't do all of them (I probably won't do most of them, to be honest) but if others want a go - they're all yours.


Angel (A:TS) / Josiah Bartlett (TWW) :

His memory must be going, because he could have sworn he'd seen that face before. There was something about the paleness of the skin, stretched tight over unblemished cheekbones - yes, he definitely remembered. His father had taken him to New York for something many years ago (he'd been just a boy) and he'd bumped into a homeless man on the street as he hurried to keep pace. He remembered reaching out a hand to steady himself, his fingers scraping against the stranger's cheek and feeling - nothing. Skin as smooth as a woman's, and as cold as the winter's night, as if he'd been stroking a reptile.

"I remember you," he said slowly, sorting through muddle of memories. "I remember your skin." It was cold, he wanted to say, but he jammed the words back into his mouth.

The stranger looked at him, startled. Clearly this, was not what he ahd been expecting. He shifted minutely from foot to foot on the porch, seemingly ill at ease with the crush of Secret Service agents still dotted around the property, all keeping an eye on him. He opened him mouth to speak then seemed to think better of it. They stood there, staring at each other, saying nothing, until a small man darted around them both to thrust him hand out.

"Mr President, it's an honour!" He crowed. "Allow me to present Mr Angel, the CEO of Wolfram and Hart -"

Words words words, the small man spilled them across the porch, blanketing them all in the familiarity of introductions and making short work of any brevity that the meeting might have otherwise contained. The President said nothing, watching the stranger shift from foot to foot, wary and uncomfortable, and felt the skin on the back of his neck prickle.

Elizabeth Bennett (Austen) / Alfred Bester (B5) 
Carrie Bradshaw (SatC) / Jack Bristow (Alias)
Sydney Bristow (Alias) / Seth Bullock (Deadwood)
Dr Cameron (House) / Cordelia Chase (A:TS) :

The coma patient was dumped unceremoniously in Cameron's care the moment she'd arrived. "Take care of her," her in-charge muttered, looking distracted. "Her family's paranoid someone might snatch her."

Perfect, Cameron thought. Already, I'm the one to dump problem patients on. Which wasn't fair, of course, and she immediately wished she could take the thought back. The truth of it was, however, that, well, it was true. Somewhere along the line, everyone from her in-charge to the Hospital Administrator had decided that Cameron's ability to deal with upset patients was just the thing upset patients needed. All upset patients, whether they were Cameron's patient or not. And it wasn't that she minded dealing with upset people, per se, but she didn't go into psych for a reason. She had a specialty already, and trauma counselling wasn't it.

"Look," she said, "look," and she'd fully intended to say more, but then she'd walked in to the patient's room and -

Bleep bleep bleep

Yeah. Pale skin, thin to the point of transparency, and black hair spilling across the hospital linen. A little plumper than Cameron herself - because of the recent pregnancy, the clinical part of her brain remembered - but a good three, maybe four years younger.

Bleep bleep bleep

There was a thin young woman sat in one of the visitor's chairs, her hand hooked loosely through the patient's own. Cameron had the sudden thought of a bird of prey's talons, and blinked. Where had that thought come from?

"Hello," the woman said, and uncrossed her legs. "I'm Eve." Her lips were cherry red.

Bleep bleep bleep

"Excuse me," Cameron said icily. "I have to tend to my patient."

Dr Chase (House) / Cher (Clueless)
Jayne Cobb (Firefly) / Perry Cox (Scrubs) 
CJ Cregg (TWW) / Dr Cuddy (House) 
Darla (A:TS) / Irina Derevko (Alias)
John Dorian (Scrubs) / Logan Echolls (VM)
Evie (V for Vendetta) / Dr Foreman (House)
Kaylee Frye (Firefly) / Rupert Giles (BtVS)
Captain Jack Harkness (DW) / Greg House (House)
Ilyria (A:TS) / The Inquisitor (1602)
Jeroen (The Authority) / Spider Jerusalem (Transmetropolitan)
Jin (Lost) / Duncan Kane (VM)
Kostya (Nightwatch) / Libby (Carnivale)
Dave Lister (Red Dwarf) / Sean Macnamara (Nip/Tuck)
Veronica Mars (VM) / Londo Mollari (B5)
Eli Navarro (VM) / Jean-Luc Picard (ST:TNG)
Harry Potter (HP) / Queenie (Blackadder)
Arnold Rimmer (Red Dwarf) / Willow Rosenberg (BtVS)
Laura Roslin (BSG) / Nadia Santos (Alias)
Arvin Sloane (Alias) / Severus Snape (HP)

Sofie (Carnivale) / Spike (BtVS / A:TS):
Sofie read the cards a few weeks later, with soil still fresh on her mother's grave. She didn't want to, but there ain't much choice when it's going this bad. It's the Hawkins boy, Sofie thought numbly. He'd brought bad luck to the troupe: he'd turned up, soil not yet off his hands and, right away, people started off dying. She'd known they would.

(No, what a big fat lie. Her mother had known, and Sofie had just said it; she'd said it to the empty trailer and to no one else. Who'da listened?)

Now so many were missing or dead it made her sick to think of it (and of Libby's small hands, warm under her dress), it really did.

(O what a horrible girl she'd turned out to be, even her mama wanted her dead)

So she did the best she could. She borrowed some clothes from Libby, who kept looking at her like she'd stolen the moon away, and got herself a new tarot, and made up lies as well as she could to gather coins and get some food in her belly (they'd feed her even if she didn't, sure 'nuff; they'd feed her, and think cuckoo cuckoo the entire time, and she'd sooner starve than hear it in her head). There ain't no room for those that don't pay their way, and she weren't about to start tumbling on her back while she could still wrap her voice instead o' her legs around the punters.

"Go on, then, ducks. What do you see in my future?"

And this one was a pretty enough lad, with his girl sat in his lap. They had on chic suits like she'd heard they had in Europe, and had them odd British accents. Rich folks, and what they were doing out here in Ruby was anyone's guess.

The girl's eyes wouldn't look away from her, and she fought the urge to squirm (never move, never shift, eyes straight ahead don't appear nervous) - just like her momma had never left her head.

She lay the spread down and lied through her teeth.

(the girl had smiled the whole while)

Buffy Summers (BtVS) / Dawn Summers (BtVS)
Joyce Summers (BtVS) / Sun (Lost)
River Tam (Firefly) / Simon Tam (Firefly)
Kara Thrace (BSG) / Christian Troy (Nip/Tuck)
Rose Tyler (DW) / Bree Van Der Kamp (Desperate Housewives)
Snow White (Fables) / Doctor Who (DW)
Dr Wilson (House) / Dean Winchester (SPN)
John Winchester (SPN) / Toby Ziegler (TWW)

fic: other, fic: carnivale, fic: west wing, fic: angel

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