Fic rec

Jun 26, 2006 21:25

Off to the hospital tomorrow. I am now officially an outpatient, as opposed to a girl-wot-got-referred-one-time. I'll even have my own consultant, the joys.

After that, I have 1) performance review, and 2) my brother's graduation in Durham, and er, some other stuff. BUT! The 1602/Angelverse fic is coming together, in that I'm plotting it out bit my bit and will probably take my laptop with me on the journey to and from Durham on Thursday. (No laptop allowed in the hospital, unfortunately; will have to make do with a book.)

Anyway, for those who don't know, I want shalott's babies. Have a read of:

Walls - a tag for 'Lies my parents told me'. It's Buffy/Giles, non-con in parts, hot, and terrible, and heart-wrenching, and it made me all goeey and happy inside. And, even with all of it, I still kept thinking - yeah, not out of the realm of possibility for it to be in the show, you know? Especially given the subject matter. Anyway. Go read.

health, fic rec, writing

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