FF: Balance (drabble)

Jun 13, 2006 21:44

Balance (1/1)
(double drabble)

Summary: Zoe contemplates sacrifice. Spoilers for the movie, I guess.

This isn't the way Zoe wants it to play out, and she's mighty ashamed of herself for even thinking it.

(she thinks it all the same, and have some mercy on her for it, 'cause no one else will)

Jayne dove forward, knife out, gun arm raised, big fucking hero, and - and he stumbled. Almost there, almost on time, he stumbled across the loose decking and Vera went flying, her last volley going wild.

"Oh," Kaylee said, surprised, as the Reaver's blade went in her. "What's hap-" And, just like that, the Reaver sliced upwards and split her wide open, stem to stern. "Oh," she said, and gurgled, and looked down at herself spilling out across the deck. "Oh," she said again, and was gone.

"Kaylee!" Wash said, and maybe he was shouting. "Oh, Kaylee," and Zoe hates herself because she's glad for the mess on the deck, glad for herself and for Wash, who is shouting Kaylee's name and her blood is smeared across his shirt and he is horrified and gasping and alive.

(and if it hurts just a little more, if they take mal too, maybe it would bring wash back: maybe it would have to)


Yeah, well, that was just a tiny wee little drabble that just struck me, and seeing as how I've never written Zoe (and don't imagine myself to understanding her) it's probably wildly OOC. Oh, well.

I am now de-wired, at least, and not a moment too soon. Predictably, heart behaved like a dream when it was being monitored, and started kicking up a fuss the moment they took the wires off. *rolls eyes* The doctor said that this is what always happens, so they'll book me in again for another round of tests if these don't show anything up. Oh, the joys! /sarcasm.

athena25 has been cheering me up with tales of The Man Who Is Vexed By Spoons, which is a funny and true tale of inanimate objects versus the world. (The inanimate objects won)

In other news, I have failed to do revision. exams in two days (again). Stupid heat.

fic: firefly

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