Ya Missed One.

Jun 03, 2004 04:27

Have I hidden myself so well that no one might ever find me?
Have I hidden myself at all? Or did you miss me?

should I raise my voice?
say a prayer?
should I scream?
shake furiously feigning seizure?
should I dooalittledance for your en-ter-tain-ment or just
sendyousecretmessagesmappedoutonpapyrusininvisibleinkdeliveredby passengerpigeons?

What!!!?!!!..........................is your PREFERRED method of contact?


I take it from your silence you want I should wait a while longer?


I'm an impatient, immature three year old in the back of your nineteen eighty-four, gold colored Datsun on our way to Destin...Texas.

I'm grumpy, I'm hungry, and I have to pee...Yes, I REALIZE we just passed a rest station! I am tired...and I am TIRED of w----aa---iiii----tttt--------iii------nn-------ggg!!!!
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