Something for "tolarjev" to consider

Mar 21, 2010 20:11

Earlier tonight when I was getting my Italian lesson with Alberto, a middle-aged couple was checking in (both Alberto and the very easy-on-the-eyes Silvia, work at the reception desk on the late shift.

Well, the couple was telling Silvia - who frankly, didn't seem all that interested - that they'd just had HANDS DOWN one the the greatest days of their entire lives.  I continued talking to Alberto, but I had to eavesdrop to find out what was SO good.

It turns out that they had gone on a guided, day-long kayaking trip: from Lido to Venice, and that it was incredible and exhilarating.  The wife - who was quite plump and gray-haired - confided later to me that she thought she might not make it all the way back.  Still, she said it was worth the little bit of physical pain.  The much-younger-looking hubby then sat me down to show me the pictures he'd taken along the way.

SO, I will be going on a kayak for only the second time in my life.  Can't do it right away, as I still feel sort of weak, but I emailed the company's owner and asked if he would take me in about 4 or  days.  I can't wait!!!  I promise to take lots of pictures - and will post them when I get back.
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