Nov 30, 2007 23:21
I have a friend back here in MD who I've known since...well we've known each other for a long time.
Anyway, I saw her in the grocery today, with her boyfriend, and their little boy. She was wearing shades inside the store. At first I thought nothing of it because people wear shades everywhere now. But they slipped off her face when she picked up her son, and there was a very noticeable bruise. Now my friend is light-skinned, there was no missing it. What I'm thinking always shows on my face, so there was no hiding my horror. My mouth was wide open, and I could see my own face looking at her, saying "I know you didn't let this fool hit you!" Like most women/people who are being abused, she came up with this bogus story. He grabbed her arm and told her that he was ready to leave. He looked at me, said nothing, and they left. I have this sinking feeling that I'll never see her again :-( We're the same isn't right that her life should be so hard. It isn't fair that anybody's life should be so hard. But I guess life is what you make it, because nobody said there would be any fair cards in life.
I told my mother and she told me that she was in an abusive relationship, too. Wow. I always thought that my mother was the strongest person alive, and maybe I'm right. It takes a strong person to walk away from the abuse, and it takes a strong person to walk away from an abusive past. There a explanations out the ass as to why a man would abuse a woman, or a child, or whoever, but there are no excuses. Women out here rationalize the abuse in so many ways. But like my eighth grade teacher used to tell us, "Just because you can rationalize it doesn't make it right."
The Word says a) a man should love his wife as Christ loved the Church, and b) a man should love his wife as he loves himself. Whether you're a follower of Christ or not, Christ loved the Church A WHOLE LOT. So, the first standard is that He should love you in the same way that Christ loved the Church. Secondly, he should love you as he loves himself. Hmmm. So if he's hitting you, or abusing you in whatever way, how much can he really love himself? How much can he really respect you if he subjects you to abuse? Before he can love you in the way you DESERVE to be loved, he has to work out his own issues first.
In any case, man or woman, we are all worthy of all the love in the world. Like my girl Keyshia says, "If he ain't gonna love you the way he should, then LET IT GO!!!!!!!!"