Note To Self:

Jan 18, 2007 08:53

Tonight, no writing.

No, seriously.  You need sleep, and staying up till midnight finishing a chapter isn't gonna help that.

Don't worry, constant reader.  I do have a chapter completed and sitting in my Writely account.  It's just a matter of finding enough downtime at work to start posting it to the now five blogs that I post these things to.

I'll say this, though:  It's not a very exciting chapter.  This one, along with the last one, along with the one after this, are the "Setting Up The Pins" chapters.  Getting the information to the hands that need them, getting the people where they need to be, and preparing to toss the big freaking bowling ball down the lane to see how much chaos you can make by tossing them all over the place for a few chapters after that.

I tried to kick it up a bit, though.  I added a few more 616 characters into this chapter, some in major/minor roles, and a few in purely cameo functions.  I think it turned out fun, though.

Anyway, yeah, that'll be up by the end of the day.
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