Buffy Stuff

Jan 17, 2007 12:27

So I've been watching season seven while I've been doing my writing, and have been trying extra hard not to allow myself to fall into Season 8 speculation.  If I do that, I start thinking about that story, start forgetting about my mutants, and that's the ballgame.  Which is also why I haven't started re-reading Potter in preparation for book seven, but that's another thing for another time.

I'll probably start talking Buffy in the next few weeks.  Nothing much, I just want to write a post trying to get my mind back into the story, trying to figure out what we know about season 8 according to the end of season 7 as well as what occurred in season 5 of Angel.  But, again, that's another thing for another time.

For now, I was on Whedonesque.com and found a link to wallpapers of the first three issues of Season 8.  And, while the first issue can probably be said to be a little awkward, the second issue's cover, featuring Buff & a bepatched Xander, is fantastic, and issue 3 featuring a damn hot Willow that still comes off as VERY Hanniganesque, is possibly one of the best comic book covers I've ever seen.

Here's the links, click them to get the bigs.  And if you want the link to all of the wallpapers that Dark Horse has for Buffy, here it is.  There's some damn good stuff.

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3

Quite possibly more writing to be done tonight, but whether it'll be enough to post is another story.


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