Subtraction by Subtraction

Dec 14, 2009 10:13

My company's officially blocked all non-work email sites. No more Hotmail or Gmail or Yahoo etc etc etc.

I wonder if they realize that, by doing this, they're eliminating the least-obtrusive method of their workers communicating with the outside world. Now people will send more private emails through the work server, people will make more phone calls on their cellphones, check their email on their cellphones more often, and make more phone calls on their work phones.

We'll see how long this lasts. They say it's for security purposes, but if that's the case then they'd have to take our cellphones when we come in and search us for loose paper on our way out. I have a feeling the higher-ups will have something to say about this in the end.

Meanwhile, if anyone has to get in touch with me now, I'd suggest using the LJ message thingy. I'm not blocked here. Yet.
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