Eleven Years Later: Special Delivery

Nov 14, 2007 18:19

Title: Eleven Years Later: Special Delivery
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows & Previous Chapters
Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin/H.C. Granger (OC)
Word count: 3,712 words
Summary: Teddy gets his letter
Notes: This is a chapter I’ve been waiting to write for months now. Hopefully it turns out well in the end. Headington is real, and is/was ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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itsmysunshine November 15 2007, 01:16:09 UTC
You really tricked me!
I thought at first, 'WTH??'. But after I read the line 'Caroline', it all seemed clear. It's weird to read Hermione's line saying "I'm eleven".


I never thought that Caroline would have feelings for Teddy, though. Great twist, as usual! :D


kanedax November 15 2007, 03:29:42 UTC
I really hope this is straight enough in everyone's head. Lord knows I get confused sometimes about who should be referred to as what when. I dug my hole when I wrote Our Little Wilkins, but in the end I think it would make sense. HC's as much a Hermione as Hermione is. She just happened to be named by Wendell and Monica Wilkins instead of Dan and Charlotte Granger.


itsmysunshine November 15 2007, 08:57:26 UTC
i think that's the beauty of this chapter. I had fun figuring out why did Hermione say she's 11 :D. *lol*

anyways, seems that the next chapter is going to be interesting. :D


kanedax November 15 2007, 14:21:13 UTC
I really hope it is interesting... lol I'm taking more risks with the next chapter than any other one. Hopefully nothing comes across as too OOC, hopefully I write kids the way they're supposed to be written, etc etc etc.


itsmysunshine November 15 2007, 14:34:26 UTC
Oooohh..taking more risks?? Now I'm really really curious with what are you going to write :D.

can't wait :D.


kanedax November 15 2007, 16:54:04 UTC
I think it should come out okay. I just start getting paranoid when I start writing character motivations, things like that.


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