Eleven Years Later: Special Delivery

Nov 14, 2007 18:19

Title: Eleven Years Later: Special Delivery
Author: kanedax
Spoilers: Deathly Hallows & Previous Chapters
Characters/Pairings: Teddy Lupin/H.C. Granger (OC)
Word count: 3,712 words
Summary: Teddy gets his letter
Notes: This is a chapter I’ve been waiting to write for months now. Hopefully it turns out well in the end. Headington is real, and is/was ( Read more... )

potter, fanfic, aftertheflaw

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Comments 40

charma_10 November 15 2007, 00:47:53 UTC
Oh no! You're splitting up Caroline and Teddy! I'm just as sad as they are!!

Great chapter. I was wondering if Caroline was going to get into Hogwarts or not..sucks that he's gonna be snogging Victoire eventually. Hopefully he dumps her quick smart and gets with Caroline.


kanedax November 15 2007, 00:53:56 UTC
lol That's still eight years away. A LOT of love triangle potential between now and then.

I always planned Caroline to be just a Muggle. I was interested in seeing the difference between her and Dudley and Petunia. You know, how a Muggle would be react to being raised in a family that accepts and embraces witches and wizards, yet knowing she was constantly on the outside.

Especially when feelings start to develop between herself and a wizard best friend.

Like I said, plenty more to come.


mickawber_fics November 15 2007, 18:30:55 UTC
I'm glad that you decided to keep Hermione II a Muggle-it's the more complex and difficult situation, and therefore the more interesting choice.

And I loved the cognitive dissonance of the opening-not being an online gamer, and not knowing which Hermione you were talking about, it took me quite a while to figure out what was going on. I loved the parallel of Hermione Caroline facing a Troll at eleven-only instead of cowering under the sink, she's the leader of the team.


kanedax November 15 2007, 22:38:02 UTC
Everything I know about MMORPGs I learned from webcomics. ;)

As for HC the Muggle... well, I figure there'll be enough kids we know at Hogwarts. Someone on the outside will prove more interesting.


itsmysunshine November 15 2007, 01:16:09 UTC
You really tricked me!
I thought at first, 'WTH??'. But after I read the line 'Caroline', it all seemed clear. It's weird to read Hermione's line saying "I'm eleven".


I never thought that Caroline would have feelings for Teddy, though. Great twist, as usual! :D


kanedax November 15 2007, 03:29:42 UTC
I really hope this is straight enough in everyone's head. Lord knows I get confused sometimes about who should be referred to as what when. I dug my hole when I wrote Our Little Wilkins, but in the end I think it would make sense. HC's as much a Hermione as Hermione is. She just happened to be named by Wendell and Monica Wilkins instead of Dan and Charlotte Granger.


itsmysunshine November 15 2007, 08:57:26 UTC
i think that's the beauty of this chapter. I had fun figuring out why did Hermione say she's 11 :D. *lol*

anyways, seems that the next chapter is going to be interesting. :D


kanedax November 15 2007, 14:21:13 UTC
I really hope it is interesting... lol I'm taking more risks with the next chapter than any other one. Hopefully nothing comes across as too OOC, hopefully I write kids the way they're supposed to be written, etc etc etc.


alohachary1851 November 15 2007, 01:36:26 UTC
The entire chapter I had "Sweet Caroline" running through my head. I should really lay off the caffeine at three a.m. Yeah...

Anyway, excellent chapter! I wonder though, why Harry wouldn't talk about Teddy's parents. I don't know, it's just me, but I would've expected Harry to understand his godson's predicament.

Or maybe Teddy's just never asked Harry?


kanedax November 15 2007, 02:34:51 UTC
All will be answered (I hope) in the next chapter. But I think a short, non-spoiler, answer, is that Teddy does know a bit. But Harry also knows what it felt like to constantly hear about his own parents. He felt more alone whenever people talked about how great they were, or about how much he was like them.

He knew that Teddy would want to know eventually. but, like Dumbledore felt about Harry, Harry thought "when he's older."

Also, Teddy knows that his parents died in the Battle of Hogwarts. He doesn't know anything past that. And, as far as Harry knows, know one else knows, either.


mary_v November 15 2007, 02:23:45 UTC
George said that he lost his ear during the Sorting, but Verity smacked him in the back of the head before he got much farther. LOL! I love that.

The only thing I don't "agree" with in your ifcs is how everyone seems to be keeping the war a big secret... in my opinion I don't see them hiding the big things from the kids. But that's just me, because if I was Ginny I'd tell Ted everything.

And I'm really sad now, that Caroline won't be in Hogwarts. :(
Great work! I really loved it!:D


kanedax November 15 2007, 02:41:08 UTC
Yeah, I know. I answered as well as I could in response to the previous comment, but just know that everything will be answered (I hope) in the next chapter. It was going to be part of this chapter, but it got WAY too long, so I'm dividing it up.


loonie November 15 2007, 02:31:57 UTC
It's hard to believe so much time has passed in your story and now they've gone from cute little kids at Ginny's quidditch match to eleven-yr olds with a crush. Can't wait for the next chapter, which I hope will be posted soon! I also love how you went back to Teddy calling Hermione Caroline by first name and Hermione Jean by middle name, and how when it's just their own world they use proper/adult-sounding names. It works. It's unfortunate though that Teddy didn't know much about his parents, again agreeing with an above comment that said that it seemed like Harry would have told him. But we shall see what your next chapter will tell. :)


kanedax November 15 2007, 02:44:20 UTC
lol you'll have to read the answer I put on the previous comment as a tide-you-over to the next chapter. I'm trying my best to clarify things, and hopefully the answers will be acceptable in the next chapter.


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