Title: Seven Years Later: Rose Edith Author: kanedax Spoilers: Deathly Hallows, Previous Chapters Rating: PG-13 for mild language and nudity Characters: H/G, R/Hr, and others Summary: Hermione comes home Notes: Thanks to
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Thanks! I try my best to give everyone their fair share. Next chapter's going to be wonky, since the majority of the characters aren't even going to be Rowling's.
Awwww! And so, Rose was born! And little Scorpius!:D Please tell me you plan on writing in the Rose/Scorpius ship? Because that would be totally awesome!:D (Because we all know it's going to happen. Did you notice that the big 'ships are Ron's "fault"... he brings attention to them, i.e. the furtive glance he gives harry at the end of book 5 and the whole "granddad weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure blood" in the epilogue. :D) Now enough about that. This was a lovely chapter! Fantastic! But poor Ron and Hermione... it's going to be a war zone soon... a year passes by incredibly fast. :S
heheheh well, I have a few different ideas about how to handle the Ron and Hermione situation. The fact of the matter is that she IS a woman who wants to have a career, but is living in a world where it's much more difficult to raise a child in a two-career family than it is here in ours.
But, yeah, I have a few ideas. I'm just giving myself some breathing room to figure it out, since Rose is only three or four days old.
As for Scorpius... I have NO idea. I'm giving him the possibility of some sort of redemption for the Malfoys. Whether it becomes R/S or something else, you never know. I mainly put it in because I needed to get the name across to the Weasleys, since they never see the boy before NYL but already know of him when he's seen.
Anything past that I'll deal with when I get there.
LOL Well all I know is that I love that ship, but wether you put it in or not remains up to you, obviously! I seriously love anything you write so yea. :P
OH, dammit... I used to call Charlotte Cynthia, but changed it last minute when I wrote Meet The Muggles... I have to go back and change it. Thanks for noticing.
And yes, I am a nerd. I like Big Bots and I cannot lie.
I love Transformers also...is it true that Michael Bay is not really planning to make Transformers 2? I heard before that it will be released sometime on 2009..but guess now I have to accept that Michael Bay won't be there.
Anyway, I'm adding you with my new acc itsmysunshine. I hope it's okay, because this old acc will not be used anymore :).
nope, that's fine. might make me take a few mins to remember wh you are, so you might have to remind me.
Last I heard, MB IS on for TF2. He was threating pulling out for a while when Paramount decided to put the movie onto only one HD format. But the money came calling, and the money's good. They're actually putting it on rush in order to get it scripted and filmed for summer of 09, barring any production strikes.
Heh. Your chapter mirrored my LJ this week - Transformers (seriously, that movie is so fucking cool! If the special effects guys don't get an oscar for the transforming alone, there's no justice in this world!), talks about daycare...etc.
One tiny quibble...I don't think you're married, but I don't know of any women, whether or not in just the company of their husband or surrounded by family and friends, who nurse with their shirts completely off. Maybe in the desert or something. But shirts can be unbuttoned, the bottoms lifted up, they have special ones which have slits on the sides which facilitate nursing, etc. I could be wrong. Maybe the majority of nursing mothers you know are exhibitionists (and there's nothing wrong with that if they are, I'm just saying they're probably in the minority) and enjoy their incredibly engorged and painful breasts just hanging out there while trying to get their babies to latch on, while their other nipple is so cracked and sore it's probably bleeding...I could go on, but you're probably
( ... )
I think she normally would nurse with the shirt up, but 1) she's new at it, and 2) she's completely in privacy at that point, so she was comfortable making the pull.
Dudley was originally supposed to be one of them in the conversation, but I decided there really wasn't any point to having him in the room. So I decided to add Elizabeth and Gretchen back into the mix, since we hadn't heard from them since the reception.
When in the privacy of the home, it's much more comfortable to nurse without a shirt -- at least it was for me, because then I could lay in bed with the baby latched on, and feel relaxed, which is quite important in nursing. Besides she's barely 3-5 days in, milk probably hasn't really come in yet, and she's nervous as a first time mom. Also nursing is a messy business... better to have towels at the ready instead of milking up a decent blouse.. Obviously, out in public, nursing shirts and bras and baby blankets are a godsend, but that wasn't the scene here.
Now that I'm sure you may know WAY more than you ever meant to about nursing (sorry), but I think you wrote the scene just fine.
Comments 66
Awesome!:D Can't wait for an update!:D
But, yeah, I have a few ideas. I'm just giving myself some breathing room to figure it out, since Rose is only three or four days old.
As for Scorpius... I have NO idea. I'm giving him the possibility of some sort of redemption for the Malfoys. Whether it becomes R/S or something else, you never know. I mainly put it in because I needed to get the name across to the Weasleys, since they never see the boy before NYL but already know of him when he's seen.
Anything past that I'll deal with when I get there.
And I saw a line, "Optimus Prime". OMG, I laughed so hard when i read that! Hahaha..this fanfic really shows its true author *giggle*
“Are you done holding her?” Molly asked Cynthia.
Who's Cynthia??
And yes, I am a nerd. I like Big Bots and I cannot lie.
I love Transformers also...is it true that Michael Bay is not really planning to make Transformers 2? I heard before that it will be released sometime on 2009..but guess now I have to accept that Michael Bay won't be there.
Anyway, I'm adding you with my new acc itsmysunshine. I hope it's okay, because this old acc will not be used anymore :).
Last I heard, MB IS on for TF2. He was threating pulling out for a while when Paramount decided to put the movie onto only one HD format. But the money came calling, and the money's good. They're actually putting it on rush in order to get it scripted and filmed for summer of 09, barring any production strikes.
One tiny quibble...I don't think you're married, but I don't know of any women, whether or not in just the company of their husband or surrounded by family and friends, who nurse with their shirts completely off. Maybe in the desert or something. But shirts can be unbuttoned, the bottoms lifted up, they have special ones which have slits on the sides which facilitate nursing, etc. I could be wrong. Maybe the majority of nursing mothers you know are exhibitionists (and there's nothing wrong with that if they are, I'm just saying they're probably in the minority) and enjoy their incredibly engorged and painful breasts just hanging out there while trying to get their babies to latch on, while their other nipple is so cracked and sore it's probably bleeding...I could go on, but you're probably ( ... )
Dudley was originally supposed to be one of them in the conversation, but I decided there really wasn't any point to having him in the room. So I decided to add Elizabeth and Gretchen back into the mix, since we hadn't heard from them since the reception.
and here's a comment from a 3-time nursing mom...
When in the privacy of the home, it's much more comfortable to nurse without a shirt -- at least it was for me, because then I could lay in bed with the baby latched on, and feel relaxed, which is quite important in nursing. Besides she's barely 3-5 days in, milk probably hasn't really come in yet, and she's nervous as a first time mom. Also nursing is a messy business... better to have towels at the ready instead of milking up a decent blouse.. Obviously, out in public, nursing shirts and bras and baby blankets are a godsend, but that wasn't the scene here.
Now that I'm sure you may know WAY more than you ever meant to about nursing (sorry), but I think you wrote the scene just fine.
Keep it up!!
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