Title: Seven Years Later: Rose Edith Author: kanedax Spoilers: Deathly Hallows, Previous Chapters Rating: PG-13 for mild language and nudity Characters: H/G, R/Hr, and others Summary: Hermione comes home Notes: Thanks to
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OH, dammit... I used to call Charlotte Cynthia, but changed it last minute when I wrote Meet The Muggles... I have to go back and change it. Thanks for noticing.
And yes, I am a nerd. I like Big Bots and I cannot lie.
I love Transformers also...is it true that Michael Bay is not really planning to make Transformers 2? I heard before that it will be released sometime on 2009..but guess now I have to accept that Michael Bay won't be there.
Anyway, I'm adding you with my new acc itsmysunshine. I hope it's okay, because this old acc will not be used anymore :).
nope, that's fine. might make me take a few mins to remember wh you are, so you might have to remind me.
Last I heard, MB IS on for TF2. He was threating pulling out for a while when Paramount decided to put the movie onto only one HD format. But the money came calling, and the money's good. They're actually putting it on rush in order to get it scripted and filmed for summer of 09, barring any production strikes.
And I saw a line, "Optimus Prime". OMG, I laughed so hard when i read that! Hahaha..this fanfic really shows its true author *giggle*
“Are you done holding her?” Molly asked Cynthia.
Who's Cynthia??
And yes, I am a nerd. I like Big Bots and I cannot lie.
I love Transformers also...is it true that Michael Bay is not really planning to make Transformers 2? I heard before that it will be released sometime on 2009..but guess now I have to accept that Michael Bay won't be there.
Anyway, I'm adding you with my new acc itsmysunshine. I hope it's okay, because this old acc will not be used anymore :).
Last I heard, MB IS on for TF2. He was threating pulling out for a while when Paramount decided to put the movie onto only one HD format. But the money came calling, and the money's good. They're actually putting it on rush in order to get it scripted and filmed for summer of 09, barring any production strikes.
can you friend me back, pleaseeee?? *puppy eyed*
oic. so that's what MB did..I'm pretty sure Transformers will be so much different without him.. :(
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