Interview Meme
Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I respond by asking you five questions, which may be fannish or personal. Update your LJ with the answers, and pose 5 questions (same, or different) back to me.
1. Describe your first fandom?
Define "fandom." lol I was a Voltron nut when I was a kid, then Transformers. If I had been a fanfic writer at the time, I had some great storyline elements set up for an ID4 sequel, as well. First fandom that I ever wrote about (if you don't count my kick-ass mythology story back in college) was Potter, a story I wrote between Phoenix and HBP. Never posted it, dont' know if I still even have it, but it deals with events in year six, leading up to a year seven with a dead Dumbledore, a dead Lucius, and a really pissed off Draco who, following the orders of Voldemort, kills off one of the Weasley twins and incurs the wrath of the other.
2. What's your favorite part of your current fandom?
Do I have a current fandom? For the X-Men stuff, and soon to be the Potter stuff, I enjoy the fact that the series has drawn to a close, so I can do whatever I want without turning against canon. I feel for all those who wrote Buffy sequels, because all of their works have gone AU with the advent of the Season 8 comic book series.
3. How did you find your way to LJ?
I honestly don't remember. I was on Blogspot for a while, and got a LJ recommended to me that I read. Then I got on the pairing list, wrote Evil & Anya, and the rest is history.
4. What's the story behind your username?
I was originally PenguinX when I started this whole internet thing in high school. Penguins ruled, and, back in the mid-90's, X was extreeeeeeeeme. Senior year, I was in a Japanese class. We had to pick a name, like every other foreign language class, and I took Kaneda, a very cool name of a very cool character from the manga Akira. After a while I started using the name in internet chatrooms, then eventually merged up with my original name. KanedaX was born.
5. Who are your favorite characters to write and why?
I enjoy all of them for different reasons. If I didn't, they'd be killed off fairly quickly. I think Alison got to be a kick near the end of New Mutants, because she was just so... you know... her mouth and her crotch seemed to be permanently attached to each other, and I find that amusing. In my current work I'm getting a kick out of Gavin the Sorting Hat for similar reasons, except a lot less hormonal. I just like writing someone who's not afraid to say what they're thinking.
(Bonus!) Recommend something to me
"Twenty Things Learned on Road Trips," by
trollprincess. It's Heroes fic, written after Company Man. It's short, it's sweet, it gives a lot of little character traits to pretty much every major character in the Heroesverse.