Bicycling evangelists

Nov 07, 2013 18:24

Or proselytizers or whatever you want to call them. Not sure what term is more appropriate or if it even really matters.

Anyway, yeah, today was the third time in the nine years I've been living out here that I've been approached by two guys on bicycles, both in nice business suits, one of whom randomly struck up a conversation with me, bantered about the weather or whatever for a bit and then, finally, began his pitch about wanting to talk to me about "the wonders of Jesus Christ." It's always two guys on bikes, both wearing business suits. I knew what was coming this time, so I considered preempting him just to end the unwanted conversation early, but instead I just stood there, saying the bare minimum required to be polite, and waiting for him to get to the point already so I could tell him I wasn't interested. Anyway, I will give them this much credit: all three times I've told them I wasn't interested, they just said okay, have a nice day, and then moved on to the next random person on the street.

It must have sucked for them to be out today, though, given how dark and rainy it is. The other two times it was on a sunny day. They must have gotten a late start this year or something.

I'm kind of surprised that I haven't made a post about these guys here before, but apparently I haven't, or if I did I can't find it now.

(EDIT) They were probably some of these guys. (/EDIT)


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