"6 Reasons Modern Gaming Doesn't Suck: An Anti-Rant"

Jan 11, 2012 10:38

I think a lot of people (myself included) need/needed to read this. I'm the same way, honestly. I complain a lot (justifiably so, I believe) about modern gaming, but if I just stop for a moment and take a look at it, I have to realize that it is still pretty frickin' awesome on the whole, despite those bad things about it.

Even the article's point #1. I almost had a knee-jerk "No, you're wrong. I was with you until that one." reaction to that one. But then, I recall that I'm now playing Minecraft multiplayer with owsf2000 and goldpseudo, and I honestly don't think I could ever go back to seriously playing it singleplayer. Add to that the fact that I'm really looking forward to the upcoming The Secret World (despite the fact that it is a MMO, the likes of which I am usually at best apathetic about and at worst downright adverse toward), and I have to believe that I'm starting to come out of my shell as far as multiplayer is concerned, at least a little bit. Sure, you won't ever find me playing Call of Duty with random douchebags on Xbox Live or whatever, but still...

games, cracked.com

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