Dear friend, I haven't the slightest desire to help keep you going.

Jan 29, 2007 23:05

"Keep to myself all the time
(Kid it's better that way)
Try to avoid all the lines
(But I can't have you stay)
And the things that they say
Fighting to keep this alive
(Kid it's better that way)
Constantly fighting to keep myself going
(But I can't have you stay)

Please don't run from your problems
You can't keep running, there's no place to go"

- The Scene Aesthetic - Dear time Traveler -

That song says it best, honestly. I've grown alot, and I've changed alot. I've lost alot of friend, and I've gained alot. Some things I don't, and probably never will understand, but I'll tell you what. It's not from a lack of trying.

I am myself, and I'm proud of it. Whatever friends I had that don't talk to me anymore, well that's there loss. I'm an amazing person, and I'm nothing but caring to those around me.

Mack, you say I'm a prick that only cares about myself, but when Beckah said she didn't care if you died, I stood up for you. When you IMed me and tried to lecture me and I said you didn't know what was going on in my life, you didn't. That Thanksgiving at my families, my grandma had a stroke in front of all of us, and nearly died that day. She then had to go through surgery multiple times for cancer and a quadruple bypass. I was taking care of my family, because no one else could. So you can just get over whatever little tiff you have with me.. not even with me, apparentally it's with yourself since I had to hear wtf was up from Justin. Believe it or not, I have better things to do than listen to you lecture me when I'm trying to keep my family sane.

Say I only care about myself.. that's some crap. Seriously. Where does anything I did have to do with me gaining something out of it? Think about that, you jerk.

Lindsay, Tony and the crew never talk to me anymore when I IM them. ;_; And that hurts my heart. I was reading some of my old entries and replies that Lindsay gave me.. I love that woman. She is so damn amazing. She's so caring and insightful, it is absolutely ridiculous. She should be a shrink. I miss her, and if she does happen to still read my livejournal, get ahold of me. Do something with me. Make plans with me. I really would love to do something with you, even if it's just come hang out and watch you in your crazy antics. I love your crazy antics and stories. That's half of who you are! :D

James and I are pretty good. We, just like all couples; have our arguements. At times he's unreasonable, as I've mentioned before. He's just so effin stubborn, and it doesn't go well with me. Because *I* am effin stubborn. I know how to compromise though, so that helps a great deal. Once in a while I'd love to bash him upside the head with something heavy, but then that would hurt him.. and I don't want to hurt him.. I just want to... hurt him... .... .... hmm... o.O

Modding the school forums on Myspace, I realize that some people never ever grow up from being neive. It's ridiculous how many times I've had to defend myself personally because of my sexuality, which BTW; Has nothing to do with being a moderater. So I cracked down and posted some rules about no discrimination, no usin' the F bomb, ect ect... Just normal rules that they'll most likely bitch about because they don't have common couresty.

Grace. You didn't call me last night. She this face: -_- <-? THAT is a face of dissappointment. That's for you. Twin dissappointment.

Leave me comments so I know you're all alive.
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