Mar 02, 2010 09:53
For those of you who may still be wondering why I continue to work at the place I'm at, even though I'm underpaid and a little over-stressed, I present the subject above. This is the name of a project at work, and no, I'd rather let your imagination figure out what it's goal is. In addition, we constantly talk about strangling weasels and ferrets because they just won't behave, and every few hours there's a conference behind someone's desk to see some silly retro thing from sesame street or old Saturday Morning Cartoons they've found. Just today, one of my coworkers informed me that he's taught his four year old daughter that a "Fox" is a standard unit of awesome, so when she likes something, she's likely to say that it's "Two and a half foxes of awesome!"
On an unrelated note, this weekend ended much better than it started. For all that the guys at Lan Raiders tried to put on a good show, the lack of a reliable internet connection shot the LAN dead. There were only two games at the LAN that would play reliably, and neither of them were really on my top-ten list of games I wanted to play cooperatively in a room full of other geeks like me. Thanks to the guys at Lan Raiders for trying, because the effort was definitely there, but when all their plans revolve around Steam, a dead connection is a dead LAN party. I knew that by the time they'd broken out the N64 Emulator and were handing around controllers that the event had expired.
The rest of the weekend went well, though. I finished Mass Effect again, and have now really started into the second, with important decisions made that should carry over.