Keyblade Order app

Dec 21, 2010 19:33

Player Info
Your Name: Mags
Your LJ: custom_magnum
Your Age: 22
Contact Information (Email and AIM/MSN/Yahoo): AIM: Magnum Gamma

Character Info
Character Name: Wilhelmina "Will" Vandom
Series: W.I.T.C.H. (Animated Series)
Character Age and Gender: 12. Female (This Will is taken from before the series)
Character Personality: Will, basically, is a normal pre-teen girl. She doesn't particularly like school, and well, doesn't do all that well in it. Especially in math. She's started to get a little bit boy crazy now, and will probably do something really stupid to impress a boy that she likes if given half the chance. However, despite both of these facts, Will is actually a lot more intelligent than even she thinks, and will eventually be able to outfit some of the strongest opponents with complex plans if needed... but she's not quite at that level yet.

Like a lot of teenagers, Will is rather quick to anger. In addition to this, if the fight she's having is over something really worth fighting for, Will won't be that hesitant for it to come to a physical fight if need be. In addition to this, she can seem to be a bit cold at times to people, as didn't have that many friends back home. She has some massive trust issues, stemming from her parents divorce when she was young and a betrayal by her closest friends back in her hometown of Fadden Hills before she joined the order.

Will is a bit of a skeptic when it comes to things relating to magic, although that is going to fade in time as she gets used to life as a member of the Keyblade Order. This is just simply because she had never experienced magic or anything like it before. That said, hearing about new, magical types of animals is one thing that is sure to get her interested and cheer her up, as she is rather fond of normal animals, especially frogs in particular.

Will is also very competitive in things that she actually cares about, being part of the swim team at her old school. As such, if there's a subject that she actually cares about learning, she'll try her hardest to make sure that she's the best at it. And in practice spars, well, she's going to be applying that same work ethic, considering what's at stake and all.

Brief History: Will's life began as that of a rather normal girl. Two parents, loving home, yadda yadda yadda. Then, when she was young, things started to get a bit more difficult, as her parents divorced and Will wen to live with her mother. Even so, thing's weren't all too bad there, as she still went to school and had a few close friends and some that weren't so close. She was doing decently in school; not great, but certainly not too terrible that it should've been that much of a cause for concern. She was even on the swim team, and was on track to being one of, if not the best swimmer on the team.

Then Will found out that all of her friends secretly hated her by overhearing them talking about her, and her life at Fadden Hills went to complete hell. Finding herself with no friends at all among the girls, Will started closing herself off to everyone, including her mother, and her grades started to take a rather sharp dive to the point where she was barely passing. Despite her mother's attempts to get through to her and get her to get her grades up, nothing was working. And her being kicked off of the swim team for her lower grades just made everything worse for her.

But it was shortly after that that Will's life changed forever. While she was walking home from school one day, she found herself surrounded by a bunch of black shadowy creature things that attacked her. She tried to run away from them, but they were easily able to corner her. Will was sure that she was going to die when they leaped on her, but she found herself saved by a woman who was... wielding a sword that looked key-shaped. The woman seemed to easily be able to fight the creatures off, and this left Will with lots of questions, most of which that the woman wasn't willing to answer. Eventually, the woman left, but Will followed after her enough to see her turn her sword into some sort of vehicle and form a portal that she left through. Will had no idea what was going on with this, but she found herself still intrigued by what had happened.

A little bit of time passed after that, Will actually tried researching what that key-shaped sword was, but naturally learned absolutely nothing about it from the internet or the library. But it was shortly after that fateful encounter that Will found herself surrounded by the creatures again... but this time, a blade of her own appeared in her hands, and she fought them off. Will was able to get the weapon to become... a set of wings that allowed her to fly, and as soon as she figured out how to do it she opened up a portal and went flying through it, eager to leave this town that she hated. She figured that she'd miss her mom, but she just couldn't stand being in Fadden Hills anymore, and this way she wasn't going to have to worry about having the police finding her and bringing her back home. So she took the plunge... and almost immediately had the darkness between the worlds smother her into unconsciousness.

When Will awoke, she found herself in an infirmary, with the woman who had first saved her from the creatures standing over her. Will had everything about the keyblade and the heartless explained to her, and decided to join the order as a new student, keeping the fact that she ran away from home and still had her mother and father alive there a secret.

(Will is taken from before the start of the W.I.T.C.H. Animated series).

Rank: New Student

Special Powers: Will, as of her canon point, has no special powers what-so-ever. However, as those special powers that she will eventually get, namely the ability to use the fifth element called Quintessence, gives will give her a bit of and edge when it comes to using Thunder, Magnet, and Curative magic.

However, her anger issues may also lead themselves to leaning towards using darkness aligned magic as well.

If she's ever canon-updated to being able to get the majority of her powers, she'll be able to transform into a slightly older (and sexier) guardian form that has wings that allows her to fly, be able to bring electronics to life and talk to them, open portals between the worlds, and teleport. Oh, and the throwing lightning listed earlier.

Other Skills: Will is an excellent swimmer, and with practice will be able to make ridiculously awesome complex plans.

Keyblade: Key to Heart - A rather simple keyblade, Key to Heart is silver, with it's hilt having a heart-shaped guard around it. The keyblade itself is around arm-length, and the tip of the sword is shaped like the bottom point of a heart. It's “Keyblade Glider” form... isn't actually much of a glider. Or any vehicle at all. In fact, her keyblade shifts into wings that attach to her back, allowing her to fly. This means that she'd be slower to travel between the worlds using it than the others.

Reason for having a keyblade: Will has a rather strong heart, and while she hasn't had the chance to prove this yet due to being pre-series, she has a rather strong sense of justice and is exceptionally willing to fight for what's right and to protect her friends and family. In addition, by the end of the first season of W.I.T.C.H, she already had all of the powers of a keyblade anyway, to the point where getting a keyblade... would only give her a sword.

RP Sample:

!keyblade order app, !ooc
