Dec 17, 2003 13:13
the world is a holocaust...
in the midst of all the things going on in the world.. i prefer to do the following
out of these 4 things there is one i do not have.which would be #4....i have made plenty attempts to be a part of one... but im sick of trying...all i can do is wait on someone to come to me..and then i will truely be happy. until then.. i will be like this.. kind of like in the middle..
i bought a Hoz last night.. mom got a q..hers wasnt any good.. but i blazed when i got home and *smack* its some pretty dank shit..
during 3rd period exams today... i realized something.. the art of the mind is a simple machine manipulated by oneself and others...created by a manipulative being indeed.. the actual creature serving as the host for the mind. i was just sitting there..and all of a sudden that just popped into my head.. and there i was..manipulating myself yet again...
since we are out until the first of the year.. i think i am going to go to the movies sometime while we are out and im thinking about rearranging my room in such a way that defies sanity.. give me a day or so on that one.. :)
i often wonder how life would be if God still roamed the earth in flesh.. i think alot of people would stop with their dumb killing bullshit..and focus on what is the purpose of being here..