Mar 01, 2008 22:37
I don't care what anyone says, or thinks, or feels.
I don't care what strangers whisper when I walk by, or what looks I get from people who I thought cared about me.
My baby nephew is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life,
And holding him for the first time, was one of the most important moments of my life.
And as much crap as I gave them,
And as much as I thought this was going to be the biggest mistake of their entire life,
I don't know how anyone could not want this.
As hard as their lives are going to be,
And as bad as the timing is,
And even though this is not what I would have chosen for my future,
He is probably the best thing that is ever going to happen to them.
And I think if anything half as good as this happened to me,
It would really and truely be enough.