Feb 20, 2008 21:39
I broke up with Tyler. I fled the country. I put off dealing with him and the rest of the world. I spent a week being someone else in some other city. I met new people, I made new friends. I did some stupid, stupid stuff that I really shouldn't have. I came home from Washington. I missed him more, and more and more. And now, I'm done missing him.
It's just not the same. And wanting things to go back to the way they were is naive and childish, because it's not going to happen. Things happen, people change and the world goes on. Everything moves in a forward motion, and me resisting things just makes it harder on myself. Much harder than it needs to be.
I need to let go, and let the bad memories wash away until I can look back and think of what a great experience it truely was. So that I can appreciate who he was for me, and what I learnt from myself.
I need to let things slide and stop stressing about who thinks I slept with him, or had oral sex, or whatever. I need to stop worrying about him finding out what happened in Washington. Because the past is in the past, and I'm going to learn my lesson, count my blessings, and walk away from this as the bigger person.
I can do it. And I used to think I couldn't and I used to think the only way to make it better was to pretend nothing happened, or to try to make things different. But everything happened for a reason, and I want to be able to say I have no regrets.