Feb 07, 2010 04:49
Choosing between what you know you should do and what you want to do is hard. It's a decision that has to be made everyday and making the right one can suck sometimes.
I should go work out. But do I want to?
Pros: I'll look good; I'll feel great; I'll live longer.
Cons: It's painful; It's tiring; It's time consuming.
I should eat healthier. Why not?
Pros: Ditto why I should work out
Cons: It doesn't always taste good; I'll miss that deep fried goodness; It requires preparing meals ahead of time... all the time.
I should look for a better job. This should be a no-brainer, no?
Pros: I'll be happier; I'll get paid more; I'll have a sense of accomplishment.
Cons: It's stressful; It's leaving great people that I've met; It's learning everything all over again.
We should break up. I just don't want to.
Pros: It's for the best; There won't be resentment; It's a growing experience.
Cons: It hurts; I'll be lonely; I'll miss you.
All our cons are focused on the present. Why does that matter so much though? Well, it's because we're living in the "right now". It's in your face, right now. The fact that it matters so much, makes it so difficult to make a decision. So now, I'm choosing to work out. I'm choosing to eat healthier. I'm choosing to look for a better job. And we've chosen to break up. Let's see how this goes...