Popolo 12.2008 Idol Fads Survey: Arashi

Nov 11, 2008 19:28


Instead of Part 2 of the Arashi interview, I decided to do this one first since it's a lot shorter and easier. This part is in the black-and-white section of the magazine. I've included some sample pictures with links just in case you want to see what the food and other stuff look like. I like looking at pics of food, though they make me hungry. Lol. Please allow some time for the pics to load. Also, many of the questions actually ask "what (food) do you like?" but I'm just putting it as "favorite" to make them shorter...^^;;

Know all about the stars' favorites!
A Survey of the Talents' Fads!

1. Food you eat at yakiniku restaurant?
Aiba: Kimchi and chanja. [...korean food. chanja pic]
Jun: Liver and namul. [namul is a korean seasoned veggie dish.]
Nino: Meat. [sounds more like aiba's answer. lol.]
Ohno: Salty beef tongue. [pic]
Sho: For livers, I eat one plate by myself. [pic]

2. Pasta you want to eat?
Aiba: Napolitan. [pic]
Jun: I like the kinds with tomato sauce more than those with cream sauce.
Nino: I don't like rich flavors. I like pasta that has natto and okra, which looks good and healthy to the body.
[natto=fermented soybeans. pic. okra=veggie. pic
Ohno: Pasta with miso-flavored duck, eggplant, and mushroom.
Sho: Since I like tomato sauce, I always order pescatore. And minestrone too.
[pescatore=seafood spaghetti in red sauce. pic. minestrone=italian veggie & tomato soup. pic]

3. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Aiba: Egg sandwich. [pic]
Jun: Hot/totasted sandwich with ham and cheese. [pic]
Nino: I'll eat what's in front of me!
Ohno: Ham sandwich. [pic]
Sho: Crisp lettuce sandwich.

4. Favorite kind of "don"? [don=bowl of rice with food on top]
Aiba: Since I like meat, yakiniku don! [pic]
Jun: Ten don. [aka tempura don]
Nino: Oyako don. [chicken and egg over rice. i love oyako don too! ♥ pic]
Ohno: Yakitori don. [or grilled chicken over rice. pic]
Sho: Negitoro don. [onion & fatty tuna over rice. pic]

5. Ozouni at home?
[お雑煮, ozouni=mochi rice cake in soup, New Year's dish. pic]
Aiba: Shouyudashi for the seasoning, and spinach, radish, and carrots for the ingredients.
[shouyudashi=soy sauce + soup made from fish and seaweed]
Jun: At our house, we have it with shoyudashi seasoning, chicken, green onion, fish-paste cake, and Japanese citron.
Nino: Because I don't really like ouzouni or other New Year's dishes, I don't really know, I guess~
Ohno: We put chicken in it.
Sho: Our mochi is quadrilateral. [interesting :D]

6. The drink that you like?
Aiba: Coffee.
Jun: My favorite drink is green tea, I guess.
Nino: The tea that my mom makes.
Ohno: Japanese citron tea. [pic]
Sho: I'm addicited to Japanese citron tea.

7. Favorite western food?
Aiba: Hamburger.
Jun: Napolitan.
Nino: Hamburger.
Ohno: The stew that my mom makes. Like curry, we eat it with rice. That's the Ohno family style.
Sho: Omelette rice. [omelette filled with ketchup-seasoned fried rice. pic]

8. Favorite Chinese food?
Aiba: Ja ja men.
[Chinese noodle with ground pork and fermented soybean paste, maybe in miso soup for Japanese style (?) pic]
Jun: Shark fin [in soup]. [pic]
Nino: Spring rolls. [pic]
Ohno: Mapo tofu. [Chinese/Sichuan dish with minced meat and tofu in chili/bean sauce. pic]
Sho: Sichuan pickles. When I go to Aiba-chan's family restaurant, they always give me a lot. (laugh) [aww. this is so cute. xD pic]

9. Favorite kind of bread?
Aiba: Once in a while, I eat hamburgers.
Jun: Hot dog.
Nino: Melon bread. [it doesn't taste like melon. just looks like one. pic]
Ohno: I like the seaweed on twisted donuts.
[not sure if the "nori" he says means "seaweed." it can also mean paste, glue, starch. maybe he's talking about the sugar on the donuts? or maybe the japanese really put seaweed on their donuts...but anyways, lol at his answer. pic]
Sho: French toast. [yum. pic]

10. Favorite Japanese food?
Aiba: Oyako don.
Jun: I recommend meal/rice cooked in clay pot. You can eat it without side dishes!
Nino: Fish. I like them grilled more than boiled.
[hmm. ohno probably gives him a lot of fish when he comes back from fishing...i wonder...]
Ohno: Meat and potato stew. [pic]
Sho: Tofu in soup. [pic]

11. Swimming style that you're good at?
Aiba: Breaststroke.
Jun: Styles other than butterfly.
Nino: Breaststroke.
Ohno: Backstroke.
Sho: Breaststroke.

12. Subject that you're good at?
Aiba: I got 5 for PE all the time! [i'm assuming 5 is the highest score, like A.]
Jun: Math.
Nino: Japanese.
Ohno: I got a 5 on art!
Sho: Japanese.

13. Which group were you in at school?
Aiba: Assistant group.
Jun: Class representative. Because I didn't set any small, trivial rules, I was really popular among my classmates. (laugh)
[i bet his cute, chibi face made him popular at school too. xD]
Nino: I was in the sports group. However, I didn't really do anything. (bitter laugh)
Ohno: Blackboard group. [group that cleans the blackboard in the classroom]
Sho: Class representative. [very sho-like.]

14. The event that you were good at on sports day?
Aiba: Boutaoshi.
[game in which the goal is to topple the opposing team's pole. pic]
Jun: Running.
Nino: Relay.
Ohno: I fell from the top when I was doing group gymnastics/exercise. Because I couldn't do it for the real performance due to injury, I don't have any good memories of it.
Sho: Boutaoshi, I guess. Since I was [physically] small, I was the one who climbed up easily and knocked the pole over.

15. Favorite winter sports?
Aiba: In the past, I went snowboarding a lot. But I fractured a bone in my 1st year of middle school [from snowboarding], so I got scared.
Jun: Ice skating.
Nino: Skiing.
Ohno: Ice skating.
Sho: Skiing.

16. Theme color?
Aiba: Green.
Jun: I guess I have a lot of white, black, and green western clothes.
Nino: White, which settles my mind.
Ohno: Green. Strangely, I become calm.
Sho: Colorless.

17. The emoji/emoticon that you use a lot?
Smiley face.
Jun: (-_-) Bimyou [or doubtful...expressionless?].
(silk hat). [or magic hat ^^]
Complacent smile.

18. Christmas song?
[the question doesn't say "favorite." it basically asks the christmas song that comes to mind first.]
Aiba: Jingle Bells.
Jun: Santa Claus is Coming to Town (by Jackson 5).
Nino: Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
Ohno: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Sho: When the Saints Go Marching In.
[i'm not a 100% sure on sho's answer. according to wikipedia.japan, the japanese title that appears in the magazine translates to what i put above.]

19. The way you cure a cold at home/in your family?
Aiba: Eat Chinese cabbage.
[or bok choy. does it really work? i love bok choy. ♥]
Jun: Rinse your mouth. [...never heard of this method until now...]
Nino: If you put yourself in a harsh environment, it seems like your body will become stronger. (bitter laugh) [huh? ok...]
Ohno: Scream/yell. [o__o?]
Sho: Eat kiwi!
[finally something that makes more sense. i eat kiwi to get more vitamin c. ^^]

20. Which rides do you go on in amusement parks?
Aiba: When I go with guy friends and give them some cold glares, we'll go on the roller coaster. (laugh)
Jun: Roller coaster.
Nino: Ferris wheel.
Ohno: Roller coaster.
Sho: Roller coaster.


Maybe I'll add the answers of NEWS and KAT-TUN's members later...on separate entries?
Thank you shanghaigirl for the scans.

Thank you everyone for joining the community! I just have a question: Am I spamming too much on your friends' list? ...since I usually post a link to my translation entries here on both arashi_on and a_ra_shi...
If I just post to one community, which one should I post to?

Other groups: KAT-TUN, NEWS.

Thanks for reading.

arashi, translation: popolo

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