Duet 09.2008: Ohno's Part

Oct 23, 2008 16:47


This is the continuation of the translation of Arashi's interview in Duet (Sept. Issue).
Links to the other members' parts are at the bottom of this entry.

Now, let's see how Ohno answers the 24 questions~

24 Truth

Ohno Satoshi

1. How was the 5 Dome Tour?
It went by so quickly~ Since there were about 2 weeks in between each show, I felt refreshed every time. We also went to some venues for our first time, so it was fresh too!
2. Which part do you like the most about this tour?
I guess everything was interesting. The parade was fun ne.
3. How did you feel when you heard about the Asia tour?
"Huh? We're doing it again?!" That kind of feeling. (laugh) I just normally thought of how 2 years ago was like.
[i think riida's response is cute. lol. yes, riida, arashi is popular throughout asia and pretty much the whole world!]
4. So, how did you feel when you heard about having a concert at Kokuritsu?
I didn't really have any strong feelings. It seemed like it was somebody else's work. Because I had never been there before, when I went to look at it, I thought it was so big~
[riida in disbelief? it seems like he's still kinda showing some inconfidence...]
5. What were your feelings when you went to see Kokurtisu?
I was just standing there and staring blankly. I went up to the torch and took pictures ne. We went there once during daytime and once at night, but it felt like it was bigger at night.
[riida being his normal self -- spacing out! xD i can totally imagine how he just stands there and starts zoning out. lol.]
6. What do you look forward to in the Asia tour?
Sho rong po. (laugh) Last time in Taiwan, it was the first time I had sho rong po for all 3 meals of the day. It was delicious! My feelings last time...there were kanji [Chinese characters] on the signboards on the streets and people who knew me, so it was weird and I wondered if I was really in a foreign country. I kept on feeling like I made a mistake and went back to Japan. (laugh) It's been 2 years, and I think I can go again with a fresh feeling!
[really funny! sho rong po! i love sho rong po too, but never had it for all 3 meals in a day. xD it's cute how riida felt kinda confused in taiwan. ^^]
7. "One Love" is the theme song of the movie Hana Yori Dango Final. Any thoughts on the movie's special activities?
It ended while I was still a little unsure about it. (laugh) For now, I'm promoting Maou, even though I'm just promoting it as it is planned. (laugh)
[-__- going off topic here...but good that he's promoting for his drama. xD]
8. The new song "truth" is the theme song of the drama Maou. Please talk about Maou!
I got a lot of messages from my friends after the first episode, saying that it was interesting. I watched it myself too, but I couldn't really feel it. I thought it's strange how I can appear there. Because Ikuta Toma and I are acting as enemies, at first, I didn't know how to approach him during resting time and such. Recently, perhaps it's because I know how to control now, I can talk to him normally. As for the other actors, I also talked to Matsuzawa Kazuyuki-san who acted as manager Doujima. I acted with Matsuzawa-san for the butai Aoki-san Uchi no Oku-san ne. It was like that. After shooting, I go straight home without going to other places. I look forward to the late-night meal prepared by my mom.
[it's cute how riida called his mom okaa-chan. i got kinda frustrated translating this one part. i spent half an hour trying to figure out who matsuzawa is. i know how to read all the kanji and stuff, but i just don't remember and can't find out which role he acted in maou. i checked so many places like dramawiki and the official maou website, but can't find his role or his name anywhere...=___=]
9. What were your feelings when you first heard of "truth"/"Kaze no Mukou e"?
When I first heard that 'truth" is a drama's theme song, I thought it'd sound more relaxing, but I imagined it wrong. But because of that, it matches the drama more. The intro is especially amazing. Since the melody of "Kaze no Mukou e" is really easy to remember, we finished recording early yo.
10. Please tell us anything interesting happened during the recording!
In high spirits, we finished recording "Kaze no Mukou e" in less than an hour. When recording "truth"....I dont' remember. I don't even remember which studio we recorded in. (laugh) Why?
11. How's the dance like?
Even though we're recording the PV tomorrow, I still don't remember it all. I practiced a little while I was resting during drama filming earlier before. This time we have the choreographer who did Kitto Daijoubu and other dances choreograph for us, and the dance steps are very detailed. When we're recording the PV, I'll remember the dance! (laugh)
[their dance is so good and sexy. xD i love the pv, the dance, and the song a lot! ♥]
12. About 24 Hour TV. This time, when you heard about being the main personality again after 4 years, how did you feel?
Like "we're doing it again?!" (laugh) When we're doing it, time passes by really fast. Probably because we're concentrating? That's why there aren't any feelings of tiredness or difficulty. This time the T-shirts are in 3 colors. I like the blue one.
13. 4 years ago, which was the hardest part?
The last 3 hours. Because we were standing the whole time, my lower back hurt. I can remember that well.
14. Then, what was the most memorable?
I guess the time when Aiba-chan and I appeared in the middle of the night. Because of that, at the end, we didn't sleep in 24 hours.
[what about aiba's letter? T__T?]
15. About planning it, please talk about the content and current situation.
I planned on doing a "Huge Art Project" with handicapped people and other participants. Even though I haven't done outdoor filming, I'll be collecting drawings or messages about vows and make them into a work of art.
16. Your aspiration for this time's 24 Hour TV, please!
Don't fall asleep and be awake!
17. Recently, are you worrying about anything?
About sleeping. When I think, "why am I getting sleepy here?" I fall asleep. Also when I'm filming the drama, I somehow become sleepy in the red room. It seems to be the same for the staff too. (laugh) We'll yawn too ne.
[getting sleepy in the red room? i think that's where riida looks the scariest in the whole drama. o___o i can't believe i'm looking at a sleepy naruse when he's in that freaky red-lit room. that sleepy evil stare!]
18. Recently, did you experience anything emotional?
Concerts, everything! Especially when the audience was singing "YOUR SONG." When I heard it, I felt touched uncontrollably. That was nice ne.
19. Recently, music that you often listen to is...?
The sound of the ocean. Isn't that called healing music? But once I listen to it, I fall asleep. (laugh)
20. What do you notice about your recent life?
Although I ate a lot, I got skinnier. That's weird...
21. What is something that you want to finish this summer?
Shiira. I want to fish shiira!! Before that I need to go buy special rods for that! Rods that I can use even when I'm fishing for katsuo. (grinning)
[shiira is a type of mahi-mahi, and katsuo is bonito.]
22. Tell us about your recent life.
After the concerts, I'll focus on drama filming. I'm not really doing anything else. In the resting room, I look at fish photobooks. A while ago when I was buying fishing lure, there were fish photobooks at the cashier so I bought it impulsively. It's fun reading it.
[riida and his fish obsession. xD i really like fish too...coz my family, especially my brother, is obsessed with fish.]
23. Arashi will step into their 10th year soon. How do you feel about the "Arashi Festival" now?
I'm not paying any special attention to the year. Mah, I'll continue being normal. (laugh)
24. What's the "truth" about Arashi?
A group of 5 stupid/baka people. (laugh)
[lol! that's totally true although arashi definitely has a lot more than just baka-ness.]


Omg. The blue is much brighter than Jun's purple. o__o

if you'd like to see the scanlation for this, go HERE and thank eve_aida  for her work. :D

Other parts: Jun, Sho, Aiba, Nino

Thank you all for reading! 

arashi, ohno satoshi, translation: duet

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