Duet 09. 2008 Duet: Jun's Part

Oct 23, 2008 16:41


Since the whole interview is long, I'm going to split it up into parts with individual members. I've asked people what they thought of my comments last time. For now, I'm just going to do the same and put them in a darker gray in [ ] . If you don't want to be distracted by anything while reading, please just simply skip over my abundant notes/comments. It shouldn't be that hard...Again, I'm not going to post any scans. Sorry.

Same as last time. I read the original article on the scans. When I'm stuck, I'll refer to the Chinese translation to get help. Chinese translation for Jun & Ohno's parts
, Aiba & Sho's parts
, and Nino's part
. These are now all locked...

Onto the translation. Each member answers 24 questions~
24 Truth

Here comes Arashi, the main personality for the 31st 24 Hour TV. They've successfully performed at the 5 domes, and they've decided on the Asia tour. 24 questions were asked about their current feelings. Right now, this is the truth of Arashi!

Matsumoto Jun

1. How was the 5 Dome Tour?
It was really fun. I think I did a really wonderful thing ne. So, thank you for all the people who came!
2. Which part do you like the most about this tour?
Because we made it ourselves. (laugh) Our tension was high...that kind of meaning should work. However, we started it well at the beginning, but we were being laughed at in the middle ne. Weren't the floats and stuff too much? (laugh)
[i'm not sure what ガスゴ/gasugo means. i'm guessing it's probably something like "exaggerating," or "showy" since it's about their floats...]
3. How did you feel when you heard about the Asia Tour?
I felt happy that we can go again. Last time it had the "FIRST CONCERT" feel, and this is our 2nd time, so I felt that the title last time is meaningful.
[oooo, i like how jun answered this. a meaningful first time. ^^]
4. So, how did you feel when you heard about having a concert at Kokuritsu?
I said, "Are you serious?!" (laugh) I've thought about having a concert there some day, but I never though that it would be at this timing. Only one group can perform their own concert there each year and it's Kokuritsu [national], so I felt very glorified.
[O__O didn't know that only 1 group can perform solo at kokuritsu each year...well, after all, it's a national stadium...]
5. What were your feelings when you went to see Kokuritsu?
Somehow, I felt like the air floating in that space was different, but that's also like Tokyo Dome. The Dome is also in the middle of a city, and when you go in, you don't know what's going on outside. However, Kokuritsu is surrounded by the buildings in Shinjuku, so you can see the city from there. The night view is also very pretty. I think it's amazing how it's so loud that the people outside of the venue can hear it. Since it's been called the "holy place," it's hard to put the description in simple words. It's not like how I just said it cheaply. When I visited the venue, I felt more motivated. I hope the outdoor atmosphere and the feeling of having a concert at Kokuritsu can be incoporated into the whole organization.
[wow. jun really thinks kokuritsu is holy...as if it's a temple or a shrine or a church etc. ^^ well, i would too if i saw their concert there.]
6. What do you look forward to in the Asia Tour?
I'm looking forward to this 2nd time. Plus, it's our first time in Shanghai, so of course I'm looking forward to it. (laugh)
7. One Love is the theme song of the movie Hana Yori Dango Final. What did you think of the campaign/promotional activities and SP?
I think it's amazing. There're so many things related to it. It's not only just watching the movie on the theater screen, it's awesome that there're also special shows from the drama and the chartered plane for the campaign/promotion. I'm glad that I could do so much for this movie.
8. The new song "Truth" is the theme song to the drama Maou. Please talk about Maou!
It was interesting. It was fresh to see Riida for an hour ne. It was also fresh for Riida to act on TV.
[yay for riida who finally got more air time to show his pretty face and incredible acting skills ^^]
9. What were your feelings when you first heard "Truth"/"Kaze no Mukou e"?
"Truth" is orignally made for Maou as the theme song. However, I didn't know about the drama's content at the beginning. When I heard it's a drama about revenge, I was like, "I see."
10. Please tell us anything interesting happened during the recording!
There're many singing parts in "Truth" ne. We did the chorus ourselves too, so there's the impression that the lead and the backup alternate a lot. For "Kaze no Mukou e," we just sang it with our normal feelings.
[i didn't translate the last sentence exactly. the original is...自分たちの等身大という感じで, which literally means "feeling that's about the same size of our bodies." anyone who can translate this better, please help me.]
11. How's the dance like?
There's a lot of dancing in "Truth" yo. It matches the melody. We danced in "Step and Go" too, but recently, we didn't have a single where we really danced. I think it's better to dance more when the song is for dancing.
12. About the 31st 24 Hour TV. This time, when you heard about being the main personality again after 4 years, how did you feel?
After 4 years, we get to do this again. I'm looking forward to seeing how much we'll grow.
13. 4 years ago, which was the hardest part?
I don't know~ (laugh) Honestly, I don't really remember.
14. Then, what was the most memorable?
It got to be when Aiba-chan read his letter.
[aiba-chan! that part made me cry too TT___TT. so touching. i'm sure that many fans feel the same. the most memorable this time has to be nino's letter too.]
15. About planning it, please talk about the content and current situation.
I'm organizing the part "Ill-Abilities x Arashi Dream Dance Performance." The other day when we were performing in Sapporo, the leader of the dance team came and we talked a bit.
16. Your aspiration for this time's 24 Hour TV, please!
I hope we can produce a "work of art" with the audience who's watching. I hope people will be touched by 24 Hour TV.
17. Recently, are you worrying about anything?
Gas price.
[does jun drive a lot? o__o? well, i'm worrying about oil prices too even if i don't have my own car.]
18. Recently, did you experience anything emotional?
I guess it'd be concerts. It's amazing how so many people gathered at the venue, sang together, and moved together. I think that kind of feeling can only be experienced there.
19. Recently, music that you often listen to is...?
Ayaka, aiko, Arashi.
[funny how they all start with "A"]
20. What do you notice about your recent life?
I cook as much as possible because I have more time staying home.
21. What is something that you want to finish this summer?
I guess books and DVDs...I want to stay indoor this summer. (laugh)
22. Tell us about your recent life.
After we came back to Tokyo from our concert at Hokkaido, I went to Genghis Khan BBQ with Nino. Because we didn't go eat Genghis Khan in Hokkaido, so we went. (laugh) Although we ate a lot of seafood ne [in Hokkaido]. After talking to Nino, he said, "Good~"  Nino said he knows of a place to eat Genghis Khan BBQ, so we went there. Perhaps it's the first time I ate with Nino. [Jun also uses the word サシと, which I don't get.] In the middle of it, we called Nishikido Ryo and people from M.A.D. When we were done, 2 people came. Then, Nino started doing magic. Nishikido was watching the whole time, and I was trying my best to eat the daikon/raddish salad given by the shop owner. It was that kind of feeling.
[first time jun ate with nino? i think he meant just calling nino up and ask to go eat with him. ^^ lol. ryo! it's cool that they're good friends. i can somehow imagine jun stuffing the daikon salad in his mouth. xD]
23. Arashi will step into their 10th year soon. How do you feel about the "Arashi Festival" now?
Rather than "festival/matsuri," I think that the phenomenon now is kinda more like a movement with big waves. We'll start our 10th year with the Asia tour. I think we'll have lots of activites, so I hope people will look forward to them. It's a year for celebration, so I hope we'll have more chances to make the people who've been supporting us happy. We'll make it!
24. What's the "truth" about Arashi?
Please imagine it yourself. (laugh)


If you'd like to see the scanlation for this, go HERE and thank eve_aida  for her work. :D

Other parts: Ohno, Sho, Aiba, Nino

Thank you all for reading! 

arashi, matsumoto jun, translation: duet

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