Already F'd Up

Jan 03, 2011 09:13

Hey gang,

Ok, I completely failed at the whole posting every day in January thing already. Whatever, my number one New Year's resolution this year is definitely to forgive myself for not being perfect. I don't know if I will succeed, but if not, no biggy (see what I did there?). Anyway, I'll try to catch up by posting twice today.

So yesterday was a pretty hectic day for me. I helped Emma move into her new place. I'm really happy that I got my Honda Fit a couple of years ago, because it's the perfect sized car for me, but I can still help people move big furniture stuff. Also it makes me feel less bad about driving all the time knowing that I have a L.E.V. It's not exactly an electric car or anything, but it helps. It's a shame that I continue to have all kinds of problems with the New Jersey DMV, because it makes any time I spend driving into a stomach-churning experience of constant worry for me. I got another letter from the DMV a few days ago saying my license was suspended again, but not saying why. After much research, I found out that it was because, while I had payed the surcharge associated with my last parking ticket, I hadn't paid the $100 licence restoration fee. Lucky I figured it out before I got sent to jail again. I'm starting to wonder if the NJDMV hasn't just realized that I will pay anything to get them to stop harassing me, and so they are milking me for all I'm worth. Anyway, I feel bad about all this because it makes it seem like I'm reluctant to help Emma move, when in reality, I'm just reluctant to drive anywhere where I don't know where the cops might be hiding. Sigh.

Also had a meeting of D.R.E.G. last night at my house, which was pretty great. When I finally got my own apartment, one of the first things I did was to establish a weekly meeting of my gamer friends - we get together every Sunday night, and take turns cooking dinners and playing tabletop games. I know it's silly, given that we get together to pretend to be werewolves, but it always feels like a very grown up way to pass a Sunday evening. It's like I have a group of actual adult friends, not just a bunch of college students binge drinking.

I've been trying my darndest to get my new website up and running, but no matter what I do I can't get it to work the way I want it to. I'm extremely frustrated because a) I've never run into something I couldn't figure out eventually if I really put my mind to it before and b) I feel like what I want is so simple. Maybe I should give up on trying to use WordPress and go with something a bit more flexible. Anyway, eventually you'll be able to see my comics, stories, songs and random other projects up on, but right now it just looks like a hot mess.

Alright, back to work. Today I'm mainly just keeping an eye on things and banging out some SOP manuals, which is mega boring, but I'll be hitting the skies tomorrow, so then there will be excitement. Also one week until DISNEY WORLD! Byee!
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