What is PGYM?

Sep 21, 2008 16:19

As you guys can tell, I have an opinion on everything--and I do mean everything!! LOL So I thought it'd be cool to share my opinions on-line with all of you. (Because I like to pretend that the world revolves around me anyway... LOL It does, you know. *wink*)

Hence the beginning of PGYM! PGYM is part of my little review corner on the WWW. TV Shows, movies, music, etc. Nothing is safe from my wrath! RAAAWR! Muahaha!

Please keep in mind that each review is based on my own individual  tastes, preferences, and biases. I mean, I know I'm always right but it's up to you if you want to listen to me or not. Hehe :-P

That said, always take my reviews with a grain of salt. If I don't like a certain movie, TV show, or album that you've been dying to see/hear--so what? Don't go all RAAAAAGE! "OMG! You filthy HOOR!" spastic on me. Check it out anyway! Form your own opinion. Then come back and call me names. Or not. Preferably not. LOL

Remember, something I'd love to beat into submission with a Wiffle® ball bat may wind up being comparable to finding the Holy Grail for you. (Or, at the very least, FREE Starbucks! Woohoo! LOL) What I hate, you could absolutely luuurve; and vice versa. It's all a matter of personal choice. Got it? Good. :-)

You see? I'm a benevolent dictator! *GROUP HUG* :-D

What does PGYM stand for?
PGYM stands for PURRS, GRRS, YEOWS, and MEOWS:
  • PURRS = Things I liked.
  • GRRS = Things I could do without.
  • YEOWS = Things that make me want to poke my eye out with a sharp stick.
  • MEOWS = Things I'm looking forward to, or things I need to comment on that don't fit in the other three categories above.
Each review also receives a rating... (See below.)

Rating System
I use paws instead of stars for my ratings...

= Active
= Inactive
Each review is judged on the four categories above plus an overall liking or disliking of the item being reviewed. Thus, each review can receive up to FIVE PAWS (instead of five stars).


= Meowriffic! Highly recommended!

= Good. Better than average.

= Okay. Just average.

=  Meh. I'd rather chase my tail.

= *hiSs!* Terrible! Not recommended.
So that's about it! I hope you will have as much fun reading the reviews as I'll have writing them. :-)

Miss ♥ Mia


pgym, purrs grrs yeows and meows, reviews

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