w00t w00t! And the Baby Daddy is...

Sep 17, 2008 01:09

OK, I know this entry's coming in a little late but I just got home. Humor me :-)

So the whole Kelly's Baby Daddy mystery was finally solved on 90210 tonight! Are you ready to find out who it is? Are ya? Huh, huh? :-D

(Do not pass go if you don't wanna know!)

And the winner is...*drumroll*


YAY!!!!!!!! *Does the Happy Kitty Dance* I knew it! I knew it was Dylan!

Oh sure, they threw me for a fruitloop at one point when Kelly said Sammy's father was a "do-gooder" busy traveling the world helping people. Brandon Boy Wonder (Mr. Goody Two-Shoes himself ) with all his Walsh Family values and Minnesota morals immediately popped to mind. But I had to scratch that idea as soon as it reared its ugly head. Brandon leaving his kid behind for 3-4 years so he could travel the globe "helping others" just didn't gel right with me. That's something Brandon wouldn't do. He's too much of a boyscout to put himself before his own kid like that. Unless he'd undergone a dramatic change in character--which was highly unlikely.

Nope-nope! It has to be Dylan, I kept thinking. It just HAS to be.

Dylan would be the one to freak out and take off, it's his M.O. (Modus Operandi) .Has been and probably always will be. He's more manic than Britney Spears after five Starbuck Venti Caramel Frappuccinos.

Dylan has too many "issues" and personal demons haunting him. He'd be afraid that his presence in Sammy's life would screw the poor kid up mentally. Yep. I can see it all now... He'd actually think he's doing Sammy a favor by staying away from him and not squeegeeing with his mind like Dylan's own father did to him. (Watching your own dad get blown up by a car bomb thanks to the then finding out a few years later it was all just an elaborate set-up to dupe the Mafia will do that to a man!)

Then when Brenda finally said Dylan's name--and I do mean F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, whew!--the crazyobsessed pubescent fangurl in me went all BATSHIT SQUEE!! (**NOTE: "Batshit squee" is one of my new catchphrases. Feel free to borrow it anytime you want *wink* lol)

And how insane was it that they kept dragging out the identity all episode until 10 minutes before the show ends!? All those scenes where you're postive Brenda's "ABOUT TO SAY THE NAME, OMG!" only to be faked out repeatedly... Oh, good ol' CW! You are such a cocktease, man! LOL

So what do you think about the final verdict?

Did you think it would be XXXXX? Did you want it to be XXXXX? Are you going to go all postal and take out everyone in your town with a super soaker from the top of the water tower now that we know it's XXXXX?! (If so, and if you live in Pennsylvania, warn me now so I have time to get my snorkel gear on first! LOL)


Miss Mia


90210, brandon walsh, dylan mckay, kittytube, crazyobsessed, kelly taylor, batshit squee, baby daddy, sammy mckay

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