23 июня 1941 года. Обращение Володымыра Стахив к Адольфу Гитлеру

Feb 07, 2010 14:42

В связи с размещением  перевода с украинского Меморандума В. Кубийовича (УЦК, Краков) и Т. Омельченко (УНО, Берлин)  из сборника В Косикa "Украина во Второй мировой войне в документах. Сборник немецких архивных материалов. 1999, Львов". т.1 с. 37-57) , а также  перевода с немецкого на русский язык сопроводительного документа, я перевел еще один ( Read more... )

bandera-bewegung, ОУН, ns-staat, 2. weltkrieg, akten z_de_ausw_politik, oun

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Re: Пожалуйста :-) moukhtar December 26 2010, 19:46:53 UTC
Приведу оценку Катерины Андреевой (из Оксфорда) в The English Historical Review, Oct 1990, p.1088 в ее рецензии на Wolodymyr Kosyk's L'Allemagne national-socialiste et l'Ukraine (Paris:
Publications de l'Est Europeen, I986; pp. 665. Pb. n.p.)

Прошу прощения, что только на английском.

...Kosyk's analysis provides little indication of the existing issues and contiguous arguments. His conviction that the Ukrainians have always been the victims of imperialism: Russian, Polish, German and now Communist, tends to elide the differences and particular circumstances of different regimes at various epochs. A substantial part of the book is devoted to documents which are appended to prove that the Nazi policy towards the Ukraine was particularly harsh. That Nazi policy engendered great suffering and forced people to make the most horrible and frightening choices is indisputable. Yet Kosyk has edited the source material in a way which makes it unusable, since it is not clear what has been deleted from these documents. To highlight passages referring to the Ukraine may serve a didactic purpose, but removed from their context they cannot be considered reliable historical evidence. A study of the Ukraine under Nazi occupation could have provided information not only about Nazi plans and decision-making processes, but also about popular attitudes and responses towards the demands of totalitarian regimes, and would have helped to increase our understanding of Stalin's methods of government. It is unfortunate that a great deal of hard work and the archival resources of freer societies than those described in this book could not have been put to better use.

Изд-во l'Est Europeen - аффилированная структура Антибольшевистского блока народов (АБН), в которой доминировалы бандеровцы, в том числе Я. Стецько, потом его жена Слава Стецько.


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