reiter-ss, Major War Criminals,RIDING UNITS OF THE SS, Нюрнбергский процесс

Nov 27, 2009 16:18

Под катом - пару фрагментов из Нюрнбергских трибуналов касаемо конников-СС (Райтер-СС).
Trial of the Major War Criminals before International Military Tribunal, Volume XLII (NT_Vol-XLII.pdf)
P. 67 (pdf 75)
The Defense called the following persons as witnesses for the ALLGEMEINE SS, the WAFFEN-SS, the SS Main Office and a o'f other groups:
RUEDIGER VON WOIKOWSKI-BIEDAU of the Inspectorate of Riding in the SS MAIN Office.
69 (pdf 78)
The ALLGEMEdNE SS played no part in the Roehm Putsch and the events of November 10, 1938. Administration of concen-tration camps was not their responsibility. Various units, such as the SS Riding Unit, Medical Sections and some members of the Order Police were transferred into the SS without previous warning and not on the ground of the political views of their members.
70 ( pdf 79)
The ALLGEMEINE SS were never considered as a military crganization. The only drilling that they were taught was as part of their task of preserving order at meetings. They had various welfare and sport organizations such as motorcycle and riding units. Sport meetings were held to encourage international relations.
76(84 pdf)

WOIKOWSKI-BIEDAU said that so far as he knew all profes- sional riding organizations received ordei-s for their transfer into the SS or SA. There was no political reason behind the decision as to which organization was chosen. Such a decision was based on convenience according to the areas in which diRerent types of horses were bred.
In cross-examination he said that there was no special pressure on people to join although the groups were taken over in their entirety. The effect of refusal to do so would have been that people who owned horses could not take part in tournaments.
The objectives of the organizations were non-military and activities were not used as propaganda. They only received the normal political training contained in the party pamphlets.
Trial of the Major War Criminals before International Military Tribunal, Volume XXIII
Riding units (Reiter-SS), Judg. .. 1-273.

reiter-ss, Нюрнбергский процесс, nazi

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