По заголовкам СМИ: весна 2009. "Культовая готик-группа Lacrimosa воспела Краснодар"

Nov 03, 2009 21:53

Совершенно случайно прочел в росбалте  "Культовая готик-группа Lacrimosa воспела Краснодар"
Особенно фраза впечатлила "-...Как напоминает «Юга.ру», 23 июня 2008 года в рамках мирового тура Lacrimosa посетила город Краснодар, и, вероятно, концерт в южном городе оставил у группы неизгладимое впечатление. О чем точно поется в песне «I Lost My Star In Krasnodar» - пока не известно."
Ежели НЕ известно, о чем точно поется - к чему это дешевое привлечение внимания? И стал текст известным: чета никакого воспевания Краснодара не наблюдается.
P.S  предистория
P.P.S видео:

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Something else was in this place
Something I will never meet again
Something we will always think of
I saw the glance in your eyes
Before it disappeared
And I saw the disillusion in your eyes
Your terrible confusion
I killed a star in Krasnodar
I didn't see the death between my lips
So sorry for the things I said - and did not say

I am - I'm not afraid
I am - I'm not afraid of you

So I was blind for what I saw
So I was deaf of what I heard
I lost my star in Krasnodar
So I am cold for what I felt
So I am dead for I'm alive
I lost my star in Krasnodar
In Krasnodar

Shine - shine - shine - my star
Shine - shine - wherever you are

You are not here in this place
For I know we will not meet again
Therefor I will always think of you
Why can't you just see:
I am no alien - don't you know?
I am as black as white
Always the one who's fighting for
Someone to hold
I killed your smile
I killed your belief
I killed the star of Krasnodar
I didn't see the death between my lips
So sorry for the things I did - and did not do

So I was blind for what I saw
So I was deaf of what I heard
I lost my star in Krasnodar
So I am cold for what I felt
So I am dead for I'm alive
I lost my star in Krasnodar
In Krasnodar

Shine - shine - shine - my star
Shine - shine - wherever you are

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