I am so excited about the future, I couldn't sleep last night.
Life is super great and it just keeps getting better.
Baby Uzi is awesome. My favorite part of being a mom is the nights. We go to bed very early and wake up very late, so it doesn't really bother me that we wake up a few times in the night. We cuddle up together and fall asleep, him nursing, me reading, and he sleeps for a long stretch at first, sometimes 5 or 6 hours. I wake up before he does when he starts squirming, and then I feed him and take him to the potty (we're doing
elimination communication (EC)). When he's full and relieved, he gives me lots of sweet smiles and coos. Then we curl up and go back to sleep. No fussing, no crying, and as long as I don't get lazy and wait too long, no dirty diapers (he doesn't go in his sleep, just starts squirming and making little noises as he starts to get hungry and uncomfortable until I wake him up to eat go to the potty). In the morning, Geo brings me breakfast as I give Uzi his.
He's growing like crazy and is super healthy and mellow. During the day, I carry him around in a pouch. Sometimes we go to yoga, sometimes we take walks. I work only a couple of hours a day, and have projects set up that will see me through 2008 (with plenty of wiggle room so that I can add more if I feel like it, or not).
Will post more pics soon.